Do you have a dream that has you confused as to what its meaning is? What is your dream trying to say to you? Send your dream to our Dream Expert, Pamela Cummins and she will share your dream and its meaning in our next issue. Precognitive dreams are my favorite type of dreams. This month article is from my blog Pamela’s Psychic Insights that I wrote in February 2012. It describes my own personal experience with this type of dream. Dreams have always fascinated me and I love interpreting a client’s dream. Lots of times I get a couple of meanings for a dream and the dreamer usually knows which one fits best for them. Precognitive dreams are foretelling of future events. It is a good idea to keep a dream journal and write down your dreams upon awakening. This will help you to understand your dreams and personal symbolism. Be patient because you are learning a new language and there are many styles of dreams. A dream could be a past event, solving a problem, releasing buried emotions, lucid dreaming, etc. Precognitive dreams tend to be more vivid, are remembered more easily, and convey an inner knowing that this is the future. A few precognitive dreams show the future close to the way it happens. The majority are symbolic and need to be analyzed. Other precognitive dreams need future events to happen in order to understand them better. The following examples are three of my own personal dreams that show each type of precognitive dreams I mentioned. In my twenties, I had a dream about being in my grammar school gymnasium. There was a nice looking man with dark hair, a beard, and mustache. I do not remember the words, but the feeling I got was that he wanted to control me. I felt like I needed to get away from him. Feelings are very important in a dream to help interpret it. A few months go by, when I was at a party and the man in my dream introduced himself to me. I was shocked, but remembered the dream’s warning. He chased after me very hard, but I kept my distance. I found out later that although he was in his late twenties, he had been married three times. He obviously had issues with relationships and I was thankful I did not become involved with him. In 1991, I was working as a bookkeeper at a car dealership. I really disliked this job. In my dream I had just finished watching the first part of a movie and was very excited to watch the second half. A couple of the salesmen and the service manager were there. One of the salesmen told me not to bother watching the second half that it was not worth it. I was upset and angry by that because I really wanted to watch it. Then the bottom of service manager’s shoe really stood out, I notice there was a hole and another little hole was starting. I woke from that dream knowing exactly what it meant because I had been working with symbolism of dreams for a number of years. The first part of the movie was my life up to then. The second part of the movie was what my life could be like in the future. The salesman telling me not to bother meant to stay stuck as I was, and it made me upset and angry. The holes in the service manager’s shoe told me that the job was giving me a “hole in my soul” and if I stayed, it would only get worse. After I had that dream I continued my education in the healing and psychic arts. In 1993 I left that job and began my practice. The next dream I had about two years ago confused me. I thought I had interpreted it correctly, but it was only after certain events happened that I got its meaning. I dreamed that I was upstairs in an office building looking at an office to rent. It looked like a combination of offices that I had rented in Morris County, NJ. The office needed to be cleaned up and part of the floor was unsafe and needed to be fixed. I continued walking into another room and noticed there was some old furniture that needed to be thrown out. I walked back into the other room and there was my sister happily hammering away at some new boards in the floor. A few weeks later I looked into renting office space in Boonton, NJ (that was on the second floor) for workshops. I felt that was what the dream meant. Fast forward a few months. After a series of unfortunate events, it became evident that it was time for this Jersey girl to leave NJ. I decided to move in temporarily with my sister in NC. I gave away my old furniture because I was moving to the furniture capital of the country. It was cheaper to buy new stuff than the cost of moving it and storage. I lived there for a month when it occurred to me what the dream meant. The combination of the offices in NJ meant I was taking my knowledge with me and moving my business. The need to clean up and get rid of furniture was what I had to do when I left my old place. And my sister hammering away at the floor was symbolic for her helping me with the foundation of living in NC. Pretty cool, huh? The bonus is I have my own place that I work out of now for over a year and am very happy here. As you can see precognitive dreams are there to help us with our lives. Have you ever had a precognitive dream? If you would like to learn more about dreams, please listen to 10/22/13 and 11/12/13 on The Love Channel Show in Blogtalk radio archives, it is also in YouTube under Pamela Cummins. To learn more about me If you have questions or need a dream interpreted, please email me at]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.