Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its’ original dimensions. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
By Jussta, Earth Empath
Maybe not everyone wants to be enlightened, but ever since I began giving classes, public speaking, or conducting a wide-variety of self-empowerment workshops, seminars and events those that attended earnestly sought enlightenment.
What is enlightenment? It is as all wise men in history have declared, full consciousness. Consciousness of what? Your essence, soul, spirit, higher power – whatever you wish to label it. It is not only living in the light, it IS being the light.
As Jesus was the SUN of God, meaning the LIGHT OF GOD and the wayshower of the divine within each of us. We each have the potential to be this light of our source. Expressing our light through true humility, charity, and good deeds.
Nothing is for free – you must pay for every step in your evolution from darkness into the light. Yet most seekers have not found, they lose the plot – they postpone, procrastinate, and even forget.
You must be willing to pay the price of radical change – expressing as a new you.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
When we consider the words of Mahatma Gandhi, can we honestly profess that what we think, what we say, and what we do, all ARE in harmony and we are living in happiness? Most of us live an unauthentic life. Our families and very close friends know us as one person. However, acquaintances, our profiles on social media, and in the business world, represent how we would most wish to be known. This is the ‘face’ we present to the world. Actually it is a ‘mask’. We are exaggerating the resume` of our life as we live it.
No one admits they are greedy, jealous, envious, thoughtless, care-less, sloppy, slovenly, depressed, and cruel – at the most, very few!
And when we stumble upon honesty, our friends speaking the truth to us without white washing their words, do we truly appreciate it?
Whew! It was not the end of the world on December 21, 2012. How many of us got caught up in the fear of ‘false prophets’? Too many!
Which leads to discussing worry and fear. I bet those who were positive it was going to be the end of the world, put up a Christmas tree and still went Christmas shopping. Did anyone of those ‘believers’ rejoice the world did not end? No, of course not! Instead, they are now prophesying a different date for the end of the world.
I have news for you. When you consciously choose the path of enlightenment, much of the ‘world’ will fall away as you move into the light. You will simply not be the same ‘you’. Your friends forever will no longer have anything in common with you. Your family may disown you because you are simply ‘too weird’. You will no longer tolerate even ‘little white lies’. You will ‘tell it like it is!” And many people in your life will not appreciate your new found path, and distance themselves from you.
The excellent adventure has begun! Enjoy the trip!
About the Author:
Jussta is an artist, photographer, writer, spiritual activist, and Earth Empath & Sensitive. She does Shamanic work, Psychometry, Energy Psychic Readings and life counseling. With a number of Near Death Experiences, she has died and returned several times in this physical body after initially making a promise to the White Light for additional life. Find out more about Jussta at