Danelle Devi is a Tera Mai Seichem Reiki Master, Dar’Shem Master, Tarot Card Reader, Animal Communicator, Numerologist, and Shaman. Danelle’s path began many years ago after experiencing an incredible loss, which in turn helped her to develop her gifts. She lovingly gives credit to two beautiful canine beings for helping her to embark on her spiritual path in order to assist in the transition of a beloved canine who was battling cancer. She further developed her intuition and psychic awareness, becoming more in tune to communicating with animals. She continued her development enhancing her ability in tarot cards, numerology, crystal healing, runes, and finally her path to Shamanism – which includes journeying for clients for a specific problem, Soul Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Soul Retrieval for a body part in pain, and Disassociation. Working with her Spirit Guides, Spirit Teacher, and the Angels, she continue to develop her abilities which now includes energy art work. Danelle states, “Often times, I am told to paint or draw specific things to help with the work I am doing. It is a great experience and so many things come through when I am least expecting it.” Danelle is quick to point out, “I am only the tool or “hollow bone,” as they say in Shamanism, to receiving the messages, energy, etc. and my guides or YOUR guides are the ones doing the work.” To learn more about Danelle Devi visit her website at: www.devimangohealing.com.]]>
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About Bellesprit
Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.