Solana is a Psychic Medium, as well as a Reiki Master, Aura Reader, and Dream Coach. She provides Tarot Readings for those looking for a more in-depth outlook into their past, present, or future. She is also an Ordained Minister. A reading experience with Solana will amplify your vibrations as she connects with the Divine. She is able to move through your Chakras to help you recognize issues that are surfacing in your current situation and bring healing and transformation into your life. Solana is able to answer your questions around love, relationships, and career, as well as helping you to connect with your spirit guides or departed loved ones. Solana can be heard every Wednesday, co-hosting, along with Christina Nelson, on Paranormal Psychic Radio. With over 8 years as a Radio Personality, Solana has also appeared in a made for TV show called, My Haunted Vacation. Currently in production with the Demon Warriors Paranormal Investigation, as a Demonologist. Solana is definitely the ‘go-to’ person when you have questions or concerns about things that go bump in the night. Not only is she a wealth of information about lower level energies, but she is well capable of assisting you in removing these energies from your surroundings. Solana is one of many instructors in an online community called Higher Source International which provides online workshops and classes tailored to Metaphysics and the empowerment of self. She stated, “It is the mission of Higher Source International that all beings awaken to their Divine Self and recognize the Divine Love and Light that is our true nature, with grace and oneness with all life for our highest purpose. There is nothing outside of ourselves that is ever more important than our true inner being. We are One. We are Love.” Some of the courses being offered are Dream Coaching, Crystals, Aura Reading, and Beginner Mediation. You can learn more about Solana Sheri by visiting her web site at If you are interested in furthering your education, you can visit her online learning site at Views:]]>
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About Bellesprit
Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.