Janét Bowerman is our May Featured Diamond Psychic and Healer. Her sunny disposition and bubbly energy is perfect for bringing in the energy of spring. Janét has known of her abilities since childhood. She shared with me, “I was able to feel very connected to others’ feelings and to animals. I could sense their joy and their pain and I would just know what to say to them to make them feel better.” Janét said she’s always been sensitive to her surroundings, often feeling the presence of spirits. In her twenties she noticed that when people would ask her questions or would tell her something she often knew what they were going to say before they said it. She stated, “I would sometimes predict outcomes of certain situations or would have a dream or vision of something and later it would come to pass. Within the past 6 years, after a major life crisis, I began to accept and utilize my gifts fully.” I asked Janét to share with us about her abilities, “I am empathic, clairsentient, clairaudient and clairvoyant. I often use my empathic or clairsentient abilities, as well as my past experiences when relating to clients, thereby enabling me to give them life coaching or spiritual advice. I use my clairaudient abilities when connecting with my guides and my clairvoyant abilities when channeling or connecting to spirit in answering questions or giving messages. In addition, I’m a Reiki II practitioner and I give hands on healing or distance healing.” Janét has a strong affinity for working with the animals and their energies, and has a column here in Bellesprit called Nature Signs where our readers can write in to her with questions about the animals that cross their path. I asked her how knowing the energy that an animal brings to us can help us and she stated, “Animals do not speak to us like human beings communicate verbally however, animals can teach us how to love unconditionally and understand their needs and their wants through their actions and sensing their needs. Given that, when we communicate around other people in their daily lives, we can use those same techniques that animals do to show us how to help others, resolve issues, and understand them better.” You can contact Janét for a reading through our Bellesprit Diamond Psychic and Healer page at www.bellesprit.com/index.php/diamond-psychics. You can also connect with her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/One.Braveheart.Butterfly or contact her through email at braveheartbutterfly@gmail.com.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.