How many times have you thought you were seeing the truth in something and then found out otherwise? Do you believe that other people’s stuff is always your stuff? How objective are you in your interactions with others? If you are like most people out there you have been taught to forgive others for the things that they say and do. If you are like most people you have been told that whatever you see in others is also in you. If you are like most people you believe that you are a lot more objective than you probably are. This week I delved into some big pieces that keep us locked into our illusions. Forgiveness is one of those interesting pieces that we have been told is part of being compassionate with others. We are told that forgiving others is the ‘higher road’ or the ‘godly’ thing to do. However, it can also lock us into patterns of illusions. Ironically, when we are doing this, we are not seeing the wholeness of others. To forgive, is to see their faults, and to dismiss actions as ok. They do not need our forgiveness. If we are truly coming from our whole self, then we see their whole self and can view their choices in an unattached way. When we do this there is nothing to forgive and we realize that forgiveness is but an illusion to satisfy the ego. Now, even I have talked about the cosmic mirror and how others show us a great deal about ourselves, and that what is happening for them is also a part of our lives. While I believe that to be true on some levels, recent conversations have also expanded on this that, it is not fully so. While there may be something in the interaction for us to get, we can only be triggered if we have an emotional attachment somewhere. This comes around to showing that we cannot feel hate or anger or irritation or any other numerous emotions for someone without also feeling love and being invested in them. Ironically, what we don’t admit here is that we are actually running on patterns of control that we have disguised as ‘love’ or ‘caring’ for someone. Now if we truly do love or care for someone in the form of unconditional divine love there is no attachment, and thus we cannot be triggered by their choices and actions. This can become a great space of empowerment for us as we then stand in a place of action and not reaction; a space of conscious choice and being able to truly observe what is happening for that persona. We can be fully aware of the experience they are having without being wrapped up in any drama that goes with it. Now most of us consider ourselves quite objective. However, we believe this because we lead ourselves to believe that we are accepting of others. Yet, still we become triggered by them. As long as there is a ‘trigger’ happening we have not stepped fully into being objective. If you are saying, “I completely accept you for who you are” and then inside are thinking and feeling “this whole thing really burns me up” you have a trigger going on. Once we are able to have full acceptance without the additional feelings and judgments, then we have become objective. When we stop feeling invested in something, we have released our attachments to where we can actually see things for what they are and others for who they are being at this time. We can take people moment by moment, encounter by encounter and not hold them to what they were the last time we were with them, realizing that they could change at any time. It is my experience that in standing in this unattached, truly objective, divine love space, that I can truly see things. I can love anyway, and hold the most amount of my own self free to flow as I choose. It is here that the codes of forgiveness really come through. For to forgive is to stand in this space, fully in one’s own power, unattached, objective, divinely loving. In doing this, I not only empower myself, but also empower others in full acceptance of love of the space they are standing in. So it is not forgiveness that we want to really give others or have, but to embrace the codes to forgive, and thus let them be whole and see that wholeness regardless of what our eyes try to attach us to. Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.