Recently I was working with a client who had experienced a very traumatic event about two years ago. For many months now, this gentleman has been seeking different spiritual practitioners in hopes that they will have the magic answers to heal him of the pain that he has been enduring. As he lay across from me covered in crystals that I had laid all over his body, something suddenly occurred to me and I said very softly to him, “It does not matter who you visit for help, until you forgive yourself, the pain will continue to live within”. He looked over at me and expressed how the crystals had helped him in this session and that he finally has forgiven himself. He continued telling me how much lighter he felt as he sensed something being lifted from around his shoulders. I just looked over at him and smiled because I knew that my client had just found the magic cure to his pain…FORGIVENESS. All I did was to help him get there. When the stones were removed from him and he sat up, he looked like a million dollars. Instantaneously he was a brand new man.
There are many spiritual practitioners that are here to help us as we seek further spiritual truths and understandings. But the truth of the matter is that there is no healing like the healing of forgiveness. When our heart opens to forgiveness, it releases the toxic energy of bitterness that has been sucking the life out if us and allows for loving, healing and spiritual growth to enter in. I can only tell you from my own personal experience, there is nothing in the world like it. No, there is not a drug, drink, man…NOTHING that can replace that new energy.
Many of my clients speak to me of someone who had hurt them and how they seem to be stuck with the pain that was placed on them by the other person. I always sit across from them and explain that the pain is not going to leave until they forgive them. Many times I get, “I will never forgive them for what they did to me.” My response is “No, you can’t forgive them until you have forgiven yourself.” Sometimes when I give that response to a client, they look at me like I had just slapped them into the next world. I get an even funnier look when I express that we must love ourselves and forgive ourselves first before we can do the same for others. Yes, I am a tarot reader and am very insightful into what is going on in one’s world and their future. I also work with energy, crystals and perform magic rituals. Believe me, if there was a magic pill that I could create for self- love and forgiveness, I would be a millionaire. But, there are some things this witch can’t do.
However, there are some things you must know that might help in finding the space for forgiveness. One important thing to always remember is that we are all here to help one another learn so that we can grow to higher spiritual levels. Before we come to this planet, the people that hurt us have agreed to come here and help us in our growth. We too have done things that have hurt others and also agreed to come here and help those that we have hurt. Understanding that we all have lessons to learn, and we can’t learn them unless we have each other, is a major breakthrough in finding forgiveness. This is part of what makes us One. I recall the first time the light came on for me in regards to this truth. I called my step-mother, who I had carried a bitter torch against for many, many years. I told her that I had forgiven her. Does that mean that I am going to call her every week and invite her to go have lunch with me? Of course not. But when I do think of her, I think positive thoughts and wish for nothing less than peace and happiness for her. When you put that kind of energy out to others, hoping for them to have peace and happiness, the same energy will come back to you. That is how very connected we all are. Sending negative or impure thoughts towards someone will only bring that negative energy back to you. We tend to think that karma only works when someone does something wrong to another. Well, it also works in the way we think too. So if you want good energy karma, you have to put out good energy to others.
The more we begin to change our thoughts to positive thoughts, about ourselves and others, the more we remove the toxic thoughts and beliefs we have of ourselves and others. Positive energy equals love, love equals forgiveness and forgiveness equals a fulfillment of oneness with the Universe, growth, peace and happiness.