Green, beautiful and grounding is the crystal for this month. As a CLEANSING/HEALING SPIRIT, this BEING connects to One’s HEART chakra. This stone might bring one to the images of mother EARTH’S wondrous landscape of NATURE with Its color similar to that of her forest greenery. This CRYSTAL is GENTLE yet LOVINGLY washes away those stored and stuck blocks on a physical level. This beauty gently shields your aura while healing and washing away old layers to bring forth the new growth previously hidden by these layers and helps in releasing that which you have already learned, yet need to RELEASE. This stone is GREEN JASPER. ~*Meditation* ~ If it is possible to get outdoors in nature, sit or lie down, relax and please take full advantage of this NATURE space. If you are not able to this you only need to sit or lie comfortably, close your eyes and visualize that special place out in nature that is Peaceful, Calming and soothing to you. Let us start by sitting or lying on the ground, whichever is most relaxing for you. Gently close your eyes. Take in the environment you are in by BREATHING in deeply (For those of you indoors you only need to visualize that you are out in your favorite part of nature). For an EQUAL amount of time as you breathe inwards, exhale in this same manner. You will do this deep breathing 3 times. Now focus your attention to your third eye and visualize roots growing from your tailbone down into EARTH’S Core. This is the soul of her physical body and you are now fully connected to her SOUL. As you visualize this, continue with calm, soft, fluid and relaxed breathing in and out. On the Inhale visualize her grounding and CLEANSING ENERGY filling your body with a forest GREEN crystalline LIGHT. This light is the energy of her mineral Green jasper. Let this energy fill you from the root to the top of your crown and slightly above your physical body. ALLOW this crystal energy to penetrate your chakras and body. On the exhale allow any debris that was picked up by Jasper’s energy to release out of your body back through the roots down to mother EARTH as she TRANSMUTES this ENERGY into LOVE. Anything removed or washed away will be replaced with DIVINE LIGHT. You may see a color coming in or you may not. It’s ok. TRUST the process as YOU will surely feel more balance brought in as well as mother EARTH’S LOVE for YOU. Sit in this for as long as the process takes you. You will know when this is complete. When you are finished THANK mother EARTH and GREEN JASPER for their energies shared and HEALING taking place. Pull your roots back into your tailbone we here they reside until your next connection, open your eyes ground by focusing your eyes on the beauty you sit in for a few moments and enjoy the feeling. LightNLoveNOneness The angels as written through Leigh Hickombottom ]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.