Why did your client stop coming to you? Did they find someone else, or perhaps, as their therapist, you did something right. Looking through my therapy room window the signs of spring are everywhere. The daffodils that were planted in tubs during the first autumn after my father died are flowering, delivering a gorgeous golden glow. The mixed tubs of crocus and snowdrops offer a cheerful splash of colour in what has been a cold and grey garden during the winter months. The evenings are drawing out and birds are planning how to build their nests in time for their annual egg laying. As the garden begins its growth spurt I find myself reflecting on the past twelve months of healing work. One particular client had been coming to me for healing and readings over a number of years. It occurred to me that she had not been in touch for some months. Perplexed, I looked up her records. Nothing appeared to be wrong. If anything, she had been making great progress. Then the truth dawned on me. The purpose of healing is to assist the client to a place of good health and spiritual peace. If you have been successful, they will not have the need to contact you. They become busy with the everyday ordinary things that fill up a day. Why should your client attend your practice if they are feeling better? It will be because you have completed your task and done it well! It’s important for a healer to educate clients in a healthy lifestyle to prevent a recurrence of their troubles; physical and emotional. The thoughts that you encourage them to think are powerful and creative. During healing you must never think of the patient’s difficulties. This only creates an etheric mold which perpetuates their problems. Instead, only focus on a healthy outcome and teach your client to do the same. Always comment on positive changes you have noticed and don’t dwell on the negatives when discussing client feedback. Remember the improvements that occurred since the last healing, and stress that a healing crisis may make you feel a little worse before feeling better. Keep their minds positive. Optimism is cheering and healing so encourage it on every level. Perfect health is a blend of healing of the mind, body, and spirit. It takes great courage, strength and encouragement to overcome the habits that lead to actions that create bad health. What you are representing is a power stronger than your patient and they will look to you for advice and comfort. Always let them know that you include them in your healing prayers. This provides your spirit guides a link with them so that their healing can continue. Focus on your healing work, meditate and pray for harmony of mind body and spirit. If a client discontinues to come for healing, then congratulate yourself on a job well done! Views:]]>
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About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.