The Love Effect and Its Impact on Our Health and Well-Being Welcome to the first Helix Healing Healthy Lifestyle article which is accompanied by a health related question and answer section. Readers of Bellesprit Magazine have submitted their health and healthy lifestyle related questions and I, my brother Darran Rowe (co-founder of Helix Healing) and some of the Helix Healing practitioners have provided responses to these. As February is associated with Valentine’s Day we are going to start by taking a look at the topic of Love. We will explore our relationships with others and also the topic self love and how these impact on our overall health and well-being. Relationships are essentially about the interactions we have with other people on a daily basis. Relationships can be close, supportive and sometimes stressful or they may really not matter that much to you. Firstly, let’s take a look at our relationships with others and how this impacts on our health and well-being. We are all part of a wider community and, on some level, we seek to be accepted by others. All of our relationships, whether with our loved ones, family, neighbours, work colleagues and even just those who we are acquainted with, will have an effect on our lives. This may be in either a positive or negative way. A positive relationship will guarantee you feel valued, respected, have increased self-esteem, feel loved and support your growth whilst ensuring you feel cared for. A negative relationship may cause you stress, feelings of being unsafe and may result in a lack of confidence, loneliness and possibly lowered immunity. Healthy relationships are a vital element of ensuring positive health and well-being. There is also evidence that strong, healthy and positive relationships contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life. What can you do to ensure that your relationships with others are a positive experience and enrich your life? Firstly, it is important to establish clear boundaries within your relationships so others know what you expect from them. Keeping communication channels clear, honest and open is also vitally important to ensure no misunderstandings. Taking time to nourish your relationships and ensure others feel valued as part of your life is also an important aspect. This may be as simple as taking time to listen to their needs or making sure you take ‘time out’ to spend with your loved ones. Self-Love is essential in order to evolve. When you are happy within yourself, this ripples out to the universe and you draw good things to you like a magnet. Your beauty shines for all to see and you create with ease. Self-love includes giving to yourself through feeding your body healthy foods, ensuring if gets adequate hydration, enough rest and time to have fun. Take time each day to give back to yourself; this may be in the form of a walk in nature, time to meditate, a luxurious bath, a healthy meal, dancing or reading a good book. It really doesn’t matter what you do, the important thing is that you act and take the step towards making time for you. Do you make time to play, have fun and create, or do you deny yourselves these important things? A physical body is the vehicle for your soul, but it needs to be taken care of and so you exercise it, feed it well and look after yourselves. Your soul also needs nourishment, exercise and care. When you laugh, dance, listen to music, meditate, love and truly experience joy, your soul sings. Creating balance in your life can be a challenge but is vital in ensuring that you maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit. Helix Healing – Question & Answer Section Question 1
Can you see me combating my high blood pressure any time soon? Thank you, ElaineHi Elaine I have picked up on feelings of frustration and taking to heart what other people think. It feels like you need to spread your wings, but are unable to or are being blocked in some way. Because of this it’s like a self destructive behaviour of listening to others more than the self. I asked for a crystal to show itself via my crystal deck, and Charoite was given to me. The medicine of this crystal will help you to centre your energy, be heard and guard against the criticism of others. This crystal’s energy will also aid with the blood flow to the brain, thus assisting to stabilise the high blood pressure. Michelle Hunt – Helix Healing Practitioner Hello Elaine I feel it might be worth taking a look at your sugar intake, particularly fructose. This sugar is organic or synthetic (hi-fructose corn syrup) and is not processed by the body very well. An excess in the body leads to high Tricglycerides in the blood which constitutes to high blood pressure, especially if you are experiencing high levels of stress as well. Darran Rowe – Co-founder of Helix Healing Hi Elaine I have tuned in to you to look at your energy field and straight away I see that it contains some denser, heavy energy. This appears to be filtering down in to your physical body and creating some issues. Firstly, I would recommend a daily simple clearing and cleansing exercise to lighten up your energy field. This can be done by either brushing a selenite wand through your energy field or by completing the visualisation below that we do with our Helix Healing clients during consultations. My feeling is that the high blood pressure is primarily associated with stress, and a possible chemical/hormone imbalance is aggravating this. When I scan your system there is a lot of activity in your head area, particularly associated with the over processing of thoughts. There is also a bit of emotional and belief pattern release work that would be beneficial to undertake. We always stress the importance of following your doctor’s guidance with regards to health issues as this should be primary. However, to assist and complement his treatment for your high blood pressure, undertaking the provided visualisation and having your hormone levels checked will help to restore balance and cleanse and refresh your energy field. I would also recommend having some healing to assist you with balancing your chakra system and releasing emotional blockages and patterns relating to past hurts. Charoite as mentioned by Michelle also provides protection, relieves stress, and assists to bring about transformation and release old hurts and accept unconditional love. Visualisation for Cleansing & Clearing the energy field:
- To begin, relax and ground yourself by sending little golden roots deep in to the earth. Bring fresh energy up these roots and into your feet and let it flow up into your body and through your energy centres. Imagine a column of light above your head and visualise it flowing in through your crown chakra and down through all of your other chakras and connecting you to the earth below.
- Now visualise a translucent glittery spiral above your head and see it slowly descend, surrounding you. Feel it cleanse and revitalise your energy field, removing any negativity.
- See golden raindrops fall into the spiral bringing fresh positive energies into your energy fields.
- Now, let the spiral fall to the earth and close down your chakra energy system or ask Archangel Michael to do this for you.
Hi, my Mom is having respiratory issues. Will this require additional medical care or resolve with the current medications? SandraHi Sandra, Sorry to hear your mom is unwell. We can tune in to your mom’s energy and let you know what we pick up in regard to her current situation on an energetic level. However, we are not qualified to provide information relating to her medical care or advise on her medications as these are areas for the medical profession. I feel that your mom would benefit from some healing and balancing with regards to her heart chakra and sacral chakra. There is a feeling of needing to feel safer and some self nurturing is required to restore balance and raise her energy levels. It does feel as if there is an underlying issue that the medical profession are going to identify over the next few weeks ( it may have been identified sooner than that) that will assist to stabilise her situation and shed more clarity. This may result in a slight adaption of lifestyle moving forward, mainly on an exercise and dietary level. A crystal that would be helpful with her respiratory problems is Rhodocrosite and a mist made from this crystal to spray in your mom’s Auric field would be beneficial. Blessings Tina Paul – Co-founder Helix Healing Hello Sandra Intuitively, I am feeling that your mum’s respiratory issues stem from blockages in the heart chakra and issues relating to this. The heart chakra would benefit from some balancing and release work on a heart level. Ruth Levy – Helix Healing Practitioner Hi Sandra The energy around your mum appears quite stuck and has limited flow. These words came through clearly ‘at anytime in your life you are able to be who you are meant to be’. I feel like too much attention has been focused on giving to others and what others think in the past. This has resulted in the above and needs clearing and balance restoring. I asked for a crystal again and I have also been given Charoite for your Mom. Michelle Hunt – Helix Healing Practitioner Hello Sandra I have found that a daily treatment for the duration of a week, using a pale blue spiral shape placed at the sternum of a client, whilst they undertake 5 minutes of gentle breathing daily, followed by a pink spiral replacing the blue spiral for a further 5 minutes has benefitted some of my clients with respiratory issues. The spiral shapes that we sometimes use to assist with Helix Healing treatments are specifically made and programmed for use by Tina Paul working with the Helix Healing collective of light beings. This exercise will shift the energy as I feel that this is blocked in the heart area. Janet Grenfell – Helix Healing Practitioner We will be providing our next Helix Healing question and answer section in the April Helix Healing column. Please feel free to e-mail your questions to or link with us through our Helix Healing Facebook page. A FREE Helix Healing Angel Reading or FREE Helix Healing consultation will also be offered in the following months in 2015: February – Free Love or Soul Connection Reading for a couple to celebrate Valentines – will be published in the March issue. May – Free Helix Healing consultation for an individual – Will be published in the June issue. August– Free Reading for an Individual – will be published in the September issue. November – Free Helix Healing consultation for an individual – will be published in the December issue. A recipient will be chosen at random from applicants and the reading or a brief consultation report will be published in the following edition of Bellesprit Magazine. Views:]]>