Bridget’s Question is: I would like to ask if there are any specific messages regarding guidance on my spiritual path and love life. And then continue with a general reading please. This is a time of great new opportunities on Bridget’s soul path and doors that open for her at this time are divinely guided. Those in the spiritual realms are assisting and encouraging her to nurture her inner child at this time and recapture some of the innocence and enchantment of life. This will help her to let go of any fears she has with regards to the future and changes and to embrace the new pathways to venture down. As Bridget regains the excitement and enchantment of her inner child, she will draw more new souls to her as her inner light shines brighter. This will assist her to connect with others on a heart level and will assist her in the area of relationships. Archangel Chamuel is linking to her with regards to affairs of the heart and states that by nurturing yourself and giving gratitude for all that is you, you create a loving nurturing space for love to enter your life on all levels. Spiritually, there is a lot of activity around her and she is being encouraged to start to explore this area of her life again. It feels like she has put this on the back burner for a while and is now ready to more fully embrace this again. My guide states that it has been a case of divine timing and that things have had to settle down around her more fully and pieces of the jigsaw settle before this could take place. There is a strong draw to working with healing modalities and this is an area that would be beneficial to expand. Bridget channels a strong energy, but her personal power is yet to be fully harnessed and utilised. She sometimes finds she doubts herself with regards to her work, but my guide is saying that she is much further along her path than she gives herself credit for. Bridget also has strong links to angelic energies and they encourage her to link and communicate with them more frequently and work with them more fully. There has been some confusion relating to family and also changes in relation to areas of career/work. My guide wishes you to know that you can always be in the ‘eye of the storm,’ where there is always stillness and calm. I feel a need to tell you to try and detach from other’s dramas and encourage them to stand on their own two feet more fully, moving forward. You have sometimes upset yourself over other’s problems and then they go away and feel fine again whilst you are still troubled over them. It is important to maintain healthy boundaries to conserve your energy levels. You can still care and show empathy, but also maintain a healthy distance. Bridget’s mind has been very busy over-processing lately and scanning her energy body, I feel that her third eye chakra needs some slowing down a bit. There is some requirement also to focus your energy on one thing at a time and see things through to completion. Your mind has been busy analyzing and over processing and you have also just been very busy lately. Take some time to rest, regroup and re-focus your thoughts, once this takes place you will find it easier to make decisions and to think clearly again. Your guides are fully supporting all the change that is taking place for you and assisting you to move forward positively, but at a pace that you are fully comfortable with. This is a time when you may have many ideas placed in your head and you will find it easier to link with spirit. Go with the flow, trust your intuition and gut instinct. You were always very in tune with this when you were younger and as you regain your energy levels, you will feel far more in tune with these aspects of the self again. There is a strong draw to working with nature spirits and connecting with the outdoors. I am being shown flower and plant essences and this may be an area to explore connecting with and developing in the future, as well. I am also being told that the crystal – Lilac Lepidolite would be very beneficial for you to work with. It will assist you with connecting with your guides and also with your higher self in order to connect more fully with your inner wisdom. It is also great for helping to align the chakras, provide relief from stress and assisting you to ‘go with the flow’ of life. Bright Blessings, Tina and the Helix Healing Collective Views:]]>
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