This month I will be channeling a direct message from the Kaleidoscope Collective. This month’s message is one of joy, laughter and the importance of fun. Remember to always look for this in your everyday lives. There is no day that should not bring joy, even if in a small way. Life is so much more than you can ever imagine it to be. Our other message is the importance of honesty and standing in your truth. The time has come to walk your talk, dear ones, and for doing so with courage, conviction and in strength.
When you gaze up at the night sky, what do you see? Do you see darkness, do you see glimmers of brightness, or do you see a sparkling blanket of light? What does this represent to you? There is always something to be found in even the darkest of times. Like the smallest of stars in the vastness of a night sky, there is always a glimmer of hope in the darkest hour. Make time to consider each day, how important you are in the vastness of life and never underestimate how great you are. You matter, your thoughts are the seeds of the future and your actions will ripple through the universe. Choose to shine and be part of the network that makes up that sparkling blanket of light.
Recently it fell to us to remind someone of the importance of stepping up, standing tall and of being that beacon of light. To walk and talk their truth no matter what the circumstances. Sometimes we are tested and it is then we see the true colour of our soul. Do we succumb to doing or being what others want us to be or to do, just because it is expected of us? Or do we stay true to ourselves and stand tall, knowing we move forward with our integrity intact?
In order to evolve and progress, a soul must be nurtured and loved. How do you nurture your soul? Do you take time to play, have fun and create or do you deny yourselves these important things? A physical body is the vehicle for your soul, but it needs to be taken care of and so you exercise it, feed it well and look after yourselves. Your soul also needs nourishment, exercise and care. When you laugh, dance, listen to music, meditate, love and truly experience joy, your soul sings. The result is that it begins to shine and others can see how bright you glitter and are drawn to you. You have a saying that ‘eyes are the window to the soul,’ in a way this is true. When your soul sings with joy, it shines and others see this in your sparkling happy eyes. Another sign of a ‘happy soul’ is a smile; a smile can say a thousand words, light up a room, bring people together and heal a broken heart. In the coming month, take time to nurture your soul. How can you do this, we hear you say. Start with giving gratitude, acknowledging the wonderful things already in our lives is a great place to start.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” –Melody Beattie
Next, take time each day to give back to yourself; this may be in the form of a walk in nature, time to meditate, a luxurious bath, a healthy meal, dancing or reading a good book. It really doesn’t matter what you do, the important thing is that you act and take the step towards making time for you. Self Love is essential in order to evolve. When you are happy within yourselves, that ripples out to the universe and you draw good things to you like a magnet. Your beauty shines for all to see and you create with ease.
You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~Buddha
Have you ever heard others say that some people ‘light up the room’? The “light” we notice these people possessing is their energy force. It is their ‘inner light’ that constantly reflects how joyful, energetic, and happy they really are. That “light” is the light of their soul. Make your soul shine and be the light that others see.
Our Crystal Connection of the month is: Danburite – Danburite is said to ‘connect the heart of the mind with the mind of the heart’. It is a strong heart chakra crystal that assists to increase acceptance of the self and others. Danburite will assist you to ‘let your light shine’ and bring about peace and serenity. Danburite stimulates the Higher Crown Chakras, connecting the heart to these Higher Chakras, and aids in communication with Angels and Guides. A piece of Danburite in your pocket will ease stress and bring calm in difficult situations.
Every other month I provide a Free reading for a Bellesprit reader. During a Helix Soul Reading, I work with my guides to access the Akashic Records and connect with you on a soul level. This provides a clearer picture of your soul’s purpose and assists to clarify your life path. Specific questions can be addressed during this reading. If you would like to be considered for a Free Helix Soul Reading in June 2014, please send me an e-mail by the 11th of June 2014 to I will e-mail the chosen reader for their questions. All readings will be published in the following edition of Bellesprit Magazine.