With spring in the air and the rebirth of Earth after a long winters’ sleep, I am brought to a place of rebirth in myself.
Winter in NY State is cold, dark, and at times, unbearable. The land and all that dwell here are plunged into a state of hibernation; covered in a deep blanket of cold, white snow. Hibernation is necessary. It takes place in the physical body to allow for expansion.
Spring is a time to lift that blanket of snow, to move through the dirty, mucky, messy mud left behind and to open up to Divine intervention. A time to let the sun and its warmth release what winter has blanketed us from seeing within ourselves. A piece of us perhaps, that has been longing to be freed from the darkness of untruths under that cold wintry ground of our physical bodies. It is time to be seen for who we truly are with no coat of protection. Being seen as the budding flower, gently unfolding to reveal the wonderful magical essence of our being as it has been transformed through the wintry months, one breathe at a time. Revealing the nakedness of our soul. The being of our essence. The truth that lies within.
As you move through this new found expansion, what are you willing to shed to the earth to be able to glisten in the newly found luminescent beams? What lies have you been hiding behind to keep yourself comfortable and small?
Along my journey, I have begun to realize that there were truths and contracts that had been unconsciously written, accepted, and adhered to. Family contracts, societal contracts, relationship contracts, career contracts and even contracts to myself that made absolutely no sense at all. So what exactly am I talking about: truths and contracts? Let me explain.
From the moment our soul connects to the human physical body, we are born into a family of contracts and truths, by choice of course, on some level. Our body develops and soon we are pushed out into the world struggling to take that first breath of life on this new realm. Breathing in the newness that is to come. A journey like no other, a journey called life…
Many of us walk through life just accepting what is, following the crowd per say. We follow the rules of our family, rules of society, and religion’s rules as if on autopilot and never questioning if this system is right for us. When your soul cries loud, and when you are ready, you wake up from this dream state of sleepwalking through life and decide that there is so much more to live for. You will find that living consciously, feeling so deeply, building your life from your soul’s passions and truths is so much more rewarding.
Each one of us is born into a family. And as we take our first breath those family contracts and truth are now ours; whether we want them or not. They become part of us on a subconscious level. Everything we hear, see, learn, are taught, touch, taste, feel, speak, experience and take in, all becomes part of our truths and form contracts. As we get older and begin to formulate our own truths, we realize that they are not our truths at all, but someone else’s truth that were put upon us without our consent or knowledge.
People said we would never walk on the moon. People said that women would never be able to vote. People told Rosa Parks to sit in the back of the bus. People said we would never have a black president. People said don’t speak up. People said don’t express your feelings, wants and desires. People said just push through. People said don’t feel. People said go to college. People said get a job. People said get married. People said when to have children. People said how many children? People said stay home and raise your children. People said work and raise your children. People said put everyone ahead of your needs. People said be super mom. People said be super dad. People said don’t ask for your needs. People said find a good job so you can earn money. People said, people said, people said!!
What truths are you believing?
Following truths that do not speak to your soul is detrimental to yourself, God, and the human race. I was never told that I could live consciously, make choices, make my own truths, follow guidance from Spirit within, speak my truth, think my truths, live my truths and share my truths so that others could share theirs.
Is it the ego’s truths you believe? Societal truths? Your parents’ truths? Friend’s Truths? Religious truths? Or you own false truths that you have been telling yourself to keep you safe and comfortable? Only you can decide.
In this season of spring, a rebirthing of our true essence, I encourage you to look deep within your soul and meditate on what truths you have been living that are not aligned with your highest and best self. Where have you been hiding? What have you been denying yourself? I encourage you to break through those boundaries, lovingly releasing what no longer serves you and listen to guidance within so you can bloom into the radiant flower you were born to be!
When one soul starts to live from a place of deep truth, the energy ripples out for all to embrace.
YOU were not put here on this earth to live small, YOU were put on this earth to be magnificent!
Now, isn’t that the truth!