“The moon develops the imagination, as chemicals develop photographic images.” –Sheila Ballantyne While the season of true imagination is upon us, if you know your Moon Sign within your birth chart, you have one key that tells you how you allow it to flow within your life all other eleven months of the calendar year. Equally well known to be the keeper of emotions, our Lunar Lady also makes sure you have plenty of those photographic images to develop. As she glides through the Zodiac in a mere months’ time, you may have already noticed how much your feelings are always changing in time down here below in relation to her movement above. No matter time of year it may be or what sign you are, you have the innate ability to bring forth your unique way of channeling imagination to what you are here to ultimately manifest upon this earth. Some, due to their Moon placement, will be more adventurous with this quality- while others, are happiest when they sit in complete solitude to unravel their best ingenious ideas as their aides. Depending upon where the Moon is currently transiting in your natal chart, will also denote mood and how you can ideally make the very most out of what you can imagine. While the holiday season ignites our senses to being joyous, we’ve all been there on those days, when our imagination seems to get the best of us- and the gravitation to worry is our end result. These are times we will find that we have chosen to close off a healthy channel for a balanced imagination to flow from. When one is blocked emotionally, the imagination in turn decides that it still must function anyway- more often than not creating the not so happier outcome of a “wild imagination.” So, for those that are looking to spice up their mood with some genuine inspiration- take up with the numerological advice that our ancient Chaldean’s understood about the energy within words through examining a Name Expression. We find that Imagination is appropriately guided by the Master Number 33, that of ‘Love and Magic.’ Said the Chaldeans of the 33: “The 33 carries the same meaning as the 24 karmic path of Love, Money and Creativity – except that the magic of love, the extent of originality and creativity, and the promise of eventual financial success are deepened and increased. This is a number of well-deserved karmic reward. 33 entities are advised not to abuse the astounding luck, which will descend on them at some time during the life by allowing it to tempt them into laziness, over confidence, and a feeling of superiority. When a sense of humor and genuine humility accompany the 33 vibration, it’s a wonderfully fortunate number.” What we also like about the Master Number 33 is the energy behind the two 3’s composing it -indicating an abundant and intense balance of Jupiter’s request to adhere to idealism, generosity, education, fortune and creativity – equally allowing true rhythm to flow within any life. Imagination through its’ singular 6 energy is guided by none other than Ms. Harmony herself, Venus. But, we must be honest and forth worth with how we let it flow, for as two Jupiter 3 energies work in unison to pay homage to Venus through the 6 expression, spirit and undeniable enthusiasm must occur in order for these spectacular creations to unfold. And what creation can happen from utilizing our IMAGINATION properly! Taking a look at the Lexigrams it wishes to share with us -the poetic phrasing of the anagrams derived from within that tell us some truth of the matter – spending time engaging in a healthy imagination is not ever wasted. IMAGINATION I AM IN A GIANT MAGI GAIN I AM IN A MAIN ANOINT TO AGAIN GO IN A TON O’ GAIN I GOT TO GO IN A MAIN IGNITION GAIN AIMING ON I MAINTAIN AN AIMING MAGI GAIN I INTO AN ATONING GAIN I AM NOT TO MOAN, MOANING OMIT A TAMING MANNA I AMONG A GIANT MAGI GAIN AGAIN I AM NOTING TIMING IN A GIANT MAGI GAIN. Happy Imagining throughout your Holidays all the upcoming New Year through, Dear Stars. Namaste.]]>
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