Dream I dreamed I had a baby boy with lots of beautiful black hair, he was smiling at me and very happy. I was overjoyed with happiness. I was talking about how long and beautiful his hair was and how I was going to style it. There were other girls in the same room that had given birth. We were told to go to this other room to pick a husband. In the dream that didn’t seem odd, but when I woke up and I had given it some thought, it was very peculiar. I studied all the males and determined I didn’t need a husband or a male figure to help me care for my baby, we were fine on our own. After thinking about this dream, I was wondering how I had this baby without a man. I also think this has something to do with my independence and not having a man in life for a long duration. What is your interpretation? Interpretation I agree with your interpretation, it seems accurate. You are always the best interpreter of your dreams. Yet, we humans often deny other aspects that are within us which is why we need each other’s input. So I will give you my interpretation. Before I do that, to answer your question how you could have a baby without a man – there are always sperm banks, giggle. Okay, of course you need a male to contribute to the sperm banks, more giggles! The baby boy is a representation of your inner male and/or the male child within. The main symbolism is that you are in the infant stage of your masculine side. We all have a masculine and feminine side, or if you prefer, we have yin and yang in order to be balanced. What the male represents is logical thinking, problem solving, strength and/or physical power. The male side of us takes the idea and turns it into a physical manifestation. Ask yourself, “Is there anything I am creating?” The baby seems very symbolic for a new creation, especially since you were thinking about how to style the hair. It could also mean that you are going to actually have a child too. The dream has another symbol of power besides the baby boy and that is the hair. In the Bible, Samson’s hair was a representation of power. The fact that it was long and beautiful shows how powerful it is. The beautiful hair also hints at the feminine aspect still within you, because mostly women have long hair and men are rarely called beautiful. To learn other symbolism of hair please read an interesting dream in the July 2014 In the Dreamtime column. That dream was about rats running through a dreamer’s hair where I gave a bunch of different symbolisms on hair. The part of the dream where other single women were told to pick a husband is a representation of how deeply society’s message of how a single women needs a man is in your subconscious. Maybe, you were brought up in a time where single mothers were thought of as bad woman? The most important part of the dream is that you didn’t choose a husband to take care of you and your baby. That definitely shows that you have the self-confidence to take care of yourself and not need a man to do it. It also shows how much self-love you have for yourself by not settling for any man. My favorite part of your dream is how happy you are! Whatever you are giving or gave birth to is going to make you happy. What I am psychically getting is that because you are in a place where you don’t need a man, is the reason a man is going to come in. It often happens when you truly let go of something, it comes into your life! I am seeing a man getting ready to hit a ball with a golf club. He is dressed in a golf outfit of khaki pants and a collared (short sleeve) shirt. I am getting him playing golf and his clothes represent a man who is a businessman and relaxed. He is also balanced in his male and female side, although he tends to be more masculine. “A perfect fit,” my guides added. Till the next dreamtime, may you have peaceful dreams and good zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Views: ]]>
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