Dream The dream started with me walking through a softball field, like I was invited to be on somebody’s team, and I didn’t really know why I was invited to be on his team. I walked past this one umpire and he looked at me strangely. I walked out into the outfield in this huge softball complex and everybody was wearing these yellow and white softball outfits. It dawned on me that I was invited to be here because I needed to be on his team. I was all shocked that I was actually supposed to be here so I started looking for the coach. I went to the umpire and explained the situation to her that I was supposed to be here. She took off her umpire mask, she was what I would call a butch lady with the short hair, and she explained that actually she was the coach. She said let’s walk over here. We were walking, she kind of put her arm around my shoulder as we were talking about the team and inviting me on the team. Interpretation The main theme of this dream is you have to be a team member. The symbolism of baseball is very American, mainstream, logical, a square, a certain system, and with rules and regulations. Also, each member has its own job that works well as a team to accomplish something. What is interesting is the color of the outfits. The color yellow, interrupted by my guides playing the song lyric, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” What I was going to say is yellow is the color for the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is about personal power and needs to be in balance. That my guides gave the sunshine song means that power needs to be bright, sunny, and joyful. I add joy because the Sun card in tarot is all about joy. The color white is about purity and cleanliness. So you must use your power to help people in a pure and joyful manner. Now, let us put the all of the above into the meaning of the dream. The umpire looking at you strangely is symbolic for being on a team that is not right for you, you may be looked at differently and judged. This could very well be a business environment. The good thing is you walked past him and went into the outfield with a team you are supposed to be involved with. The outfield could be symbolic for something that is “Out there.” It might not be what you thought it should be, again I am feeling job or a program that helps people. Whatever this group effort is it will have a feeling of meant to be and you will be welcomed and valued member. Lastly, the butch woman could mean a few things. The leader of this group will be a butch woman. The leader could be very powerful and creative. Or this group could help balance your male and female side. In other words, bringing your spiritual/creative side into manifestation by taking action. Dogs One of my readers sent in a couple of very long dream about dogs. It is too long for the column. However, since July’s columns was all about rats. I thought it would be good to this month to write about the different meanings of dogs. I’m sure the majority of the readers prefer rats over dogs. Dogs are very loyal and very protective of their masters. Dogs also have unconditional love for their owners and put up with being mistreated. In this content, dreaming of a dog could mean that you need to be more loving towards someone. Or to protect yourself and not to allow yourself to be abused. It could also mean that you need to be more loyal to someone. Perhaps, someone is very loyal and protective of you. It really all depends upon all the other symbolism and feelings of the dreamer. Talking about feelings, if you are a dog lover, when you dream about dogs the feeling usually is one of love and happiness. You feel part of the “pack” with dogs. However, if you are scared of dogs or don’t like dogs, even a friendly will make a dream unpleasant. LOL, I keep hearing the song lyric, “Who let the dogs out.” In some cases the dog could symbolize a man who is very sexual and inappropriate about it. The majority of the people have seen a male dog who is humping something he shouldn’t! Not to say this couldn’t be symbolic for a female. Lastly, if you dream a ferocious dog, that is a symbolism of danger. If the dog is locked up, that could be someone or something that is threating but it is contained. It could also be a part of you that is dangerous. When you dream of a dog chasing you or even attacking you, that is telling you there is someone or something in your life that is not safe. Obviously, please pay attention to what that could be and protect yourself in your waking hours. Till the next dreamtime, may all your dreams be sweet! If you have questions or need a dream interpreted, please email me at pamelabellesprit@gmail.com To learn more about dreams, please listen to 10/22/13 and 11/12/13 on The Love Channel Show in Blogtalk radio archives, it is also in YouTube under Pamela Cummins. Please visit my website at www.pamelacummins.com Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.