In the Dreamtime – Pamela Cummins provides dream interpretation for your dreams. Welcome to July’s In the Dreamtime. This month’s dreams have interesting symbolism – colors, money, baby items, and being another person. Please read on to see what these three dreams are about. Purple Eyes I dreamed that I was alone in a hospital room feeling sick to my stomach, I looked in a mirror and noticed that I had purplish colored eyes Why did my eyes look that color? Dream Interpretation This dream doesn’t give me much to go on, but I will give you my best shot. My gut instinct is this dream has something to do with the chakras. Your second and third chakra is off. The second chakra is gut instincts, creativity, feelings, and a connection to your family/tribe. The third chakra is your personal power. I am psychically getting that you are very intuitive and spiritual, but you have blocks to be removed in order to fully be in touch with it. Your purple eye is your ability to see things in a spiritual way. When you work through your blocks, your third eye will open more. A humorous way to look at this dream is you feel so sick to your stomach that you see purple. Baby Items I woke up early this morning so angry with my hubby… lol. In the dream, I was sitting in the driver’s seat of our vehicle, my husband was sitting alongside of me. We seemed to be looking for a receipt for something and I said, “Here it is” picking up a rather long receipt from the floor board. When I looked at the receipt I was shocked at what it said. The first thing I noticed was a purchase of a baby walker, and the next was the total of the receipt, $188. The entire receipt was a list for baby items my husband had purchased. When I questioned him as to why he was buying baby items, he replied, “I have a baby!” Dream Interpretation I love the symbolism in your dream because it is so straight forward to me. The fact that you were in the driver’s seat is saying you are in control of your life and are the boss in this marriage (don’t tell your husband). The good news is that he is also your equal because he is sitting in the front passage seat, as opposed to the back seat. The receipt to me is a symbol of things in your marriage, the fact that you are looking for it together is a good thing. The baby items are most likely a symbol of something new, not a child. The new could be some new things coming in your marriage. However, the fact that it was your husband’s receipt for items that he purchased – the new could be a new project that he is working on. Or another meaning could be you are angry about some of his recent purchases and/or the way he spends money. The amount also has meaning. Does the number 188 mean anything to you? I took a quick look at two different websites where it meant success and money flow. If you add the numbers together in numerology it comes to 8, which is interesting because there are two 8s in the number. When I looked at three other websites they said the number 8 is about wealth, abundance and balance. This is very interesting because of the fact that these numbers were on a money receipt. Lastly, I am intuitively getting that in order to receive money you and your husband need to spend money. Being Another Person Most of my dreams consist of situations where I myself am somebody else. I may be another woman, a man. I am most definitely in someone else’s body, but it’s still my mind sort of. Once I was a black male running for my life through red, rust colored sand that was so hot my bare feet were burning. I looked down and I could see a strong black male body. It was like in Africa or somewhere years ago. I do not know what was chasing me, but I could also feel my heart about to burst out of my chest with fear. I knew that whatever it was, would certainly kill me if it caught me. The field was a wide open space with a sparse tree line in the distance. It was the most vibrant red rust/orange colored sand like I have never seen before or am aware of. What the heck was this dream of? Dream Interpretation I am so happy you shared this style of dream because I also have had this type of dream before. It feels so real that you are the other person, yet you are still here. These kinds of dreams could be from a past life, or you are actually experiencing someone’s life, memory, or dreams. At other times, something is so painful to you that it is easier to pretend you are someone else. The latter usually has people in it that you know, even if it was years ago. The following interpretation may be something that is occurring in your life now and for you to determine if it makes sense. If this interpretation doesn’t make sense, you may want to do a past life regression to see if this man was you in a past life. You are not in touch with your male side or afraid to show your male side. The red and orange colors are very earthy, so you may not feel grounded, or your first (red) and second (orange) chakras are not balanced. The open fields represent the fear of having something in your life out in the open, hence, someone could hurt you. Or being burned in some physical sense, because your feet were burning as they touched the Earth. The male side represents our logical side, but also what we bring to the physical world. Is there a project or some sort of work you want to do? Are you afraid of putting something out in the open for someone to destroy? Look within and see if this makes sense. I hope you enjoyed this month’s column. To learn more about dreams visit, If you have questions about dreams or need a dream interpreted for the column, please email me at Views:]]>
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