By Pamela Cummins
Discover the dream meaning for dreaming of Grandma’s house and cabinets.
My dream started out as myself, my husband, and my in-laws going into my grandma’s old house. In my dream I owned her house (which is a huge life goal for me). We walked inside and all four of us went our separate ways throughout the house. We were looking for things from my past. It felt like things that would help me remember my past.
I go by myself to this cubbyhole area (which in real life is where my grandma spent most of her time). I find this old antique cabinet that is tall – dark and old. I remember thinking “I really wish someone took better care of this.” I knew that this cabinet was my grandma’s favorite and that other people had been living in the house after my grandma passed away.
So, I start looking through the drawers of the cabinet. As I am opening the drawers – I see the same thing in every drawer. I saw antique drawer handles lined up in unison – row by row, in each drawer. They looked like the ones that could have gone with the cabinet I was looking at. The ones that had the creative designs that attached to the wood and the handle would clink back and forth when you would open or shut a drawer. Which makes me remember – my grandma had all types of antique furniture that had these kinds of handles on them. I also have some in my house today.
As I am looking through this cabinet, my father- in-law comes up to me with a stack of pictures. My father- in-law is younger in my dream than he is today. And I feel like there is some sort of family connection from when I was younger. It felt like a brother/sister connection. But, he brought me these pictures and said, “Here I found these, I think you would want to see them. I found them just sitting on top of a dresser.” When he says that I get an image of them sitting on top of a dresser covered in dust. We are both confused on how the people who have been living here did not find these pictures before and how they are still there.
I also want to say that the setting in my grandma’s house makes me think of an old house that no one has entered in a long time. The lights dim, everything is dusty. And the air smells dirty from all the dust.
Intuitively, I’m getting the main theme of this dream is that it’s important to investigate and reflect on your past to discover how it is affecting you today. Then clean up and remove those issues that are preventing you from achieving your goals.

Now, let’s interpret the dream further. When you walked in the house with your husband and his parents into your grandma’s old house, this represents how your past affects your present family through marriage. Now this part of the dream could have two meanings:
- Your family by marriage is supportive and willing to help you, yet also separate from who you are.
- If you don’t look at issues from your past it could cause your family by marriage to go in a different direction than you.
Honestly, the first dream meaning feels like the right interpretation to me.
Discovering the cabinet in your dream may be representing the following:
- How you wished your family took better care of your grandmother and her things in general.
- However, it can also represent that you were neglected as a child/teenager, when your family needed to take better care of you.
- Or another symbolism is it’s time for you to take better care of yourself and stop relying on others to take care of you.
Those meanings also coincide with you mentioning that the house hasn’t been entered and dusty. Houses often represent our bodies, mind, and spirit. It is time for you to clear out the old to let in the new. This is not an overnight process as it involves removing old tapes, behaviors, and beliefs. Yet, now is the time to begin.
I don’t know how you felt during opening up the cabinet drawers to find the same antique drawer handles, therefore, this can be symbolic for:
- You have many of the same characteristics that have run for generations in your family.
- Your creativity will cause noise/problems within your family, hence the reasons the handles were clinking.
- There is a part of you that desires to be different than your family imprinting.
- It’s time to dispose of repeated family behavior; nonetheless, you have a choice of what to keep. Which is why you have similar drawer handles at home.
When your father-in-law approaches you with the stack of pictures looking younger and having the feeling of a brother/sister connections, could be the following dream meanings:
- Your father-in-law is representing your father or another father figure from your childhood.
- You have issues to clear up with your brother or male friends from the past.
- It’s time to balance your inner male and female.
Lastly, the part of the dream where the pictures were found on a dusty dresser and no one saw them, represents your past issues, most likely family issues that you nor your family has neither observed nor dealt with.
Again, this dream is really shouting for you to ponder your past to discover your blocks and issues from your childhood, which are preventing you from achieving your dreams and goals of your present and future. Please remember that you’re peeling an onion, allow yourself the time and patience to peel away what is no longer needed, and this is a lifelong process to get to the core of the onion.
Pamela Cummins helps her clients take their nighttime messages and turn them into daytime wisdom to accelerate their personal and spiritual growth. She is an author, dream interpreter, and intuitive coach. To learn more about Pamela and grab your free gifts, please visit her websites and