In the Dreamtime. This month’s column will be about when we dream about being in school. Dream I dreamed that I had trouble locating my classroom as I walked around the school. Finally, I found it. In the classroom (all the students were male like me) we were supposed to be quiet and study. I was reading my book when a strange woman came over and started kissing me, trying to make me make out with her. I became uncomfortable and was happy no one was looking. I pushed her away and told her I was engaged to my girlfriend. When I woke up I was surprised that I remembered my dream because I never do. Do you know what it means? Interpretation When we dream about being in school it usually means that we have more lessons to learn whether you are going to school at the time or not. The fact that you found your classroom is symbolic for knowing where you are in life with either your work or life lessons. That is a very good thing. In the dream, you were in a classroom with all men, so that means that you are in a field of study that is either male oriented or logical. Men are symbolic in our dreams as our logical thinking male side and physical strength. The part where the woman is trying to get you to be sexual with her and you being uncomfortable with it, shows that you like order and structure in your life and not being the center of attention. Nor do you care for casual pickups, other men in the classroom may have jumped at that opportunity. Also that you are in a committed relationship that means a lot to you. You are either engaged or thinking about it. It could also be a premonition of becoming engaged. Good luck to you! School Dreams When people are in school it is very common for them to dream about being in school whether they are in kindergarten, college, or trade school, because the majority of their time is spent there. There are student and teacher relationships to work at. The area of study to choose or chosen could come up. The fear of failing a test, things they ignore, problems that need to be solved or their emotions all come up in their dreams. What is interesting is when someone is out of school and they dream about being back in school. I will use a couple of my own dreams to illustrate this for two reasons. One, I don’t want to offend any of my clients, and the second reason is because I remember my own dreams better. Pamela’s School Dreams Years ago, I dreamed that I couldn’t find my school locker. I walked all over the school and felt relieved that I finally found it. I went to do the combination and couldn’t remember it. I was feeling very frustrated and wondering if the people who worked in the school office could help me. This dream occurred at a time in my life where I was still finding myself. The locker was where I could find the tools to help me on my journey, but I wasn’t sure how to get to it. I needed to reach out to others to help me. Which I did! Another school dream I have is one with a recurring theme although it isn’t actually the same. The basis of the dream is that there was one or two classes that I hated and never did the school work, nor study for. It is the day of the final test and I know I am going to fail. I get upset and wonder why I just didn’t drop out of the class. I never go to take the test. This can symbolize a bunch of things going on in my life. One, I shouldn’t take on a project because I am not going to finish it, that I still have guilt for not finishing college, that I need to finish a project or it is going to bomb. I don’t like to fail. Lastly, I am a rebel and won’t do the main stream route. Could someone please explain why I ever had to take algebra? I also have dreams of being taught spiritual subjects. In some, I am being taught, someone is giving me a reading, or I am doing tarot in my dreams. These dreams are awesome because the cards are so unlike anything I have ever seen – so beautiful! I hope the first dream and my dream example help you the next time a school theme appears in your dreams. Till the next In the Dreamtime. If you have questions or need a dream interpreted, please email me at To learn more about dreams, please listen to 10/22/13 and 11/12/13 on The Love Channel Show in BlogTalk radio archives, it is also in YouTube under Pamela Cummins. Please visit my website at Views:]]>
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