My name is Kristen Leona and I am a psychic medium and an empath. By looking at photographs I am able to obtain information about the subjects. I would like to offer a special thank you to LittleNjo for the use of her candle image for my column. Please visit her web site on Deviant Art at What is a Photo Reading? A photo reading consists of receiving psychic information from studying photographs. I can connect to a person’s (or animal’s) energy from concentrating on photos of them. The subject of the reading can be living or passed on. Before a reading, I will light a white candle and ask for protection and guidance. During the reading I take notes of any information I receive. When the reading has been completed, I will type out my notes and send them to the client. If you would like to have a free reading to be published in Bellesprit Magazine, please send up to 4 photos of yourself or a loved one and up to 5 questions (if you would like) to: Have a terrific January! ~ Kristen Leona ~ The subjects of this month’s photo reading are Pamela and her cat, Merlin. Four photos were provided and no questions were asked. From this photo I can tell that she is very natural and possesses great healing abilities. She loves animals and is helpful by nature. She is close with her family and enjoys spending time with them. She enjoys being outdoors and being out in nature. Taking walks relaxes her. Pamela has a beautiful heart and is very giving. She has a close relationship with The Divine and is a very accurate intuitive and reader. From this photo, I know that Pamela is a very peaceful person and is well grounded. She has a healing business and helps others. A few of her close friends, she considers family. There is a wonderful energy coming from her. She has Divine help and guidance. She is very health conscious and is extremely aware of the energies around her. A health scare? She’s alright now. Pamela is a very trustworthy person. From this photo, I can see that Merlin is like her child. She is very connected to nature and to animals. I believe that she can ‘read’ animals as well as people. Pamela is surrounded by healing energy and is very peaceful. She is an intuitive and empath. There are connections on a heart level. Merlin is a very loving little boy and is also demanding. I believe he has hearing or ear issues. He is the Boss of his house. He plays a lot and likes to lie on newspapers that are in the process of being read. From reading this photo of Merlin, I can see that he was very playful at this stage – he would attack feet and ankles. I believe that he had an infection that required antibiotics. Did or does he have UTI issues? He is very picky with his food and diet. Thank you for allowing me to do this reading for you. Blessings, Kristen Leona
Message from Pamela: Thank you Kristen. The reading is very accurate and I would love to give you some feedback. When Merlin was a kitten he had ringworm from the cats where he was staying before I adopted him, so he needed antibiotic and cream. He still is playful and attacks me! Yes he is the boss. He is picky about certain cat food. He is very demanding and wants what he wants. But he is my baby and I do spoil him.
I became a healer before doing readings. I love nature and animals. In fact there are times I prefer animal companionship to humans. I am close with my family and enjoy spending time with them. I do have friends that I consider family. I am very natural and health conscious. I did go through some painful female issues that did not respond very well to western medicine. In fact diet, spiritual modalities, and emotional work cured it.
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.