Photo 1 is of Mary
The energy of this photo tells me that Mary loves to read. I see her getting lost in books. She craves knowledge and is forever learning. I believe that she has an interest in holistic medicine and healing. I see her as a lifetime caregiver. I do think that she is very aware of the energies around her and tends to be empathetic herself. I am seeing a lot of plants around her. She loves solitude.
Photo 2 is of Mary with a coffee mug
This photo is showing me that she tends to be cautious about others’ intentions. She feels that she is opening up spiritually. I am getting that she is concerned about a possible upcoming move in her life.
- Health concerns? I believe you have been experiencing fatigue recently. I just heard the word, “thyroid”. Please have this checked.
- Finances ok for the long term? You have saved and been meticulous with your finances. I’m seeing a potential relocation for work. I believe this would be a good opportunity.
- Potential romance? I believe it has been a long time since you were last in a “relationship”. I do see someone coming into your life within the next year or two and I think this person is connected with your work environment.
- Am I on the right path with my spiritual growth? I believe so. There are some things that you need to release and let go to continue to move forward.
- Any words of wisdom from “the other side?” Your mother said she likes where you have put the plant.