Joanne – I instantly get the impression you are an animal lover. Cats and dogs are especially important to you and I’m sure spaniels are around you or very closely connected to you. I also feel horses in your energy and a passion for riding. I’m picking up a younger fair haired girl’s energy with this horse link too. I sense you are very much an outdoor person and usually a jolly soul. I feel you enjoy socialising with others who also share the same interests. I’m picking up knee and ankle issues and swelling, that means resting up and taking the weight off for a while. Also a chest issue which seems like breathlessness. I’m sure this isn’t a serious issue and can be brought on by stress. I feel there has been some sadness around recently, but it will pass. I’m getting the words “I turn to you like a flower leaning towards the sun” so people turn to you for upliftment and encouragement and you are forever the optimist. However, don’t be overburdened, and allow others to support you, too. Much love comes in from the world of spirit to you. Melanie – I’m getting a golden scribes feather with you and I’m told you have a golden tongue so your words and writing is not only fruitful but also clearly a gift you are helped with by spirit. I see a phoenix with you and get the words “return of the Phoenix” I get a strong fire energy with you so expect a rebirth or sudden burst of energy like a burning energy within you to just go for it. I feel although you are doing extremely well you are not quite reaching your full potential yet but it is coming. Laura – your hand energy seems to have been blocked somewhat but is now releasing. I feel healing energy radiating from your hands and flowing more freely than it has been for a little while. I feel Frustration almost took its toll with you but you have hung in there and your spirit is strong. I feel you are fiercely independent and have had to learn when to step back and allow things to flow, rather than being a director of things you are accepting that you need to allow things to occur in a more fluidic way at the right time. By not always being in control of your life and the outcome of situations you have learnt valuable lessons and your energy has softened. I feel that at times people have been presumptuous about you and taken you for a ride. I hear the words “misplaced trust.” I hope you understand the meaning of them. I do see you are going to see happier and easier times ahead and I feel your daughter will surprise you at just how loving and caring she can be. Please keep your faith in Spirit and know your connection is getting stronger and you are always protected. With much love to you. Ravenne Wadeson asks our readers to submit a photograph or scan of the palm of their writing hand to receive an intuitive energetic reading and message. If you would like an Intuitive Palm Reading, please attach a clear photograph or scan of your writing hand, palm facing, to Ravenne at Your reading may appear in her column. Website: Twitter:]]>
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