Can our ego really influence our ability to receive messages as given by Spirit?
By David Howard, PhD
When opening ourselves to receive messages from Source, we can experience the beautiful messages offered, but we need to remember we still exist in a realm ruled by ego. We have a mind which perceives the illusion of duality making ourselves and other things appear to be separate, but the world of Spirit coming from Source is not a world of separate beings. Spirit being the part of Source which wishes to have a physical experience does not operate through thought, instead it works through the presence of energy which we then interpret into our own individual thoughts.
Thought itself implies separate mind and Spirit does not have a mind separate from Source, it is all connected, it is all one. Every person on this planet has their inner connection to Source which we call Soul, but not every person is aware of this and may be living life under the influence of ego.
For awakened Spiritual seekers, we recognize the world of Spirit and thus work to expand our Soul awareness to experience more of this connection. Yet, it can be difficult for us to explain the energy of Source and Spirit without defining it through our ego minds, or in other words, through what we already know and have experienced.
For those who are exposed to a religious upbringing, it is likely they will perceive the experience of Spirit as being an individual entity such as an angel, ascended master, or a past religious figure. While those who are not exposed to religion growing up are more likely to perceive messages as coming from collectives of Spirit which do not really have a name or expressed individuality.
We will still give the collective a name because we speak through words to one another and a name is needed to communicate what we are referring to, but it does not matter what name or image we apply to the message. It is important to remember however, if we apply a common name such as Jesus or an Angel to the message, the person we pass the message on to may already have personal meaning attached to the name which can get in the way of the message.
Many of us know by now we attract both negative and positive earthly energies which reflect our own mental state of being or vibration, but to be clear, we only attract positivity from non-physical Spirit or Source. Source is oneness, which means there is conscious awareness and only the energy of high vibration which we would define as loving.
Because there is no thought in non-physical, there is no judgement, condemnation, separateness or negativity, all of these exist only in the realm of ego which exists here on Earth. So, if we are perceiving a message which includes thoughts of separation or hierarchies, we are definitely coloring the message from Spirit or Source with our own egoistic perception of heavenly realms. If the message seems clearly to be coming outside of one’s own mental self and it is judgmental or negative, then a connection is being made not to Spirit or Source, but to negative egoistic energies which appear to take on an existence of their own in the Earth realm.
We all have our own perceptions and beliefs, and these opinions can color the interpretation of energy which we receive from Spirit and Source. How we perceive this energy is up to us because we have free will to identify as we choose, and that is ok, but we must realize our understanding of a message does not always make it truth for another. If twenty different people were to channel Archangel Michael, there would be twenty different variations to the message. This is because the sender of the message is not an individual entity having a mental experience, it’s a message coming from the oneness of energy, which we in turn interpret through our own separate opinions.
It is through our own individual perceptions and beliefs that we will visualize and interpret loving, protective and courageous energy coming from Source as something such as Archangel Michael. In other words, the specific vibration coming from Source is not an independent non-physical being separate from Source, it is energy which resonates with us as loving guidance and protection which we would then interpret as coming from an Angel.
Since we are connected to Source, Source knows what we think and feel because it senses the energy vibration of our thoughts and feelings. Our perceptions and beliefs also carry this vibration, so the energy of Source will come to us in a way which we are comfortable identifying. It is important to realize the non-physical being we associate with the message is not what is important, it is only the message itself. If it is loving assurance, it is coming from Source. If it is judgmental, critical or promoting oneself as chosen, then our ego has gotten in the way.
It is likely most of us will experience our ego getting in the way which is ok, as we are humans having a human experience. What is important is that we accept and acknowledge our ego reality so we can move forward to better communicate the energetic messages coming from Source to others.
This may require some editing on our part, just because it “came to us that way” doesn’t mean it is truth or that one should promote it as truth. If we get a message which seems off, we may need to first check in with our own energetic frame of mind in the moment. If we are not emotionally balanced, we may be more susceptible to interpreting a message through our own egoic thoughts and feelings. We can’t expect to get the clear and loving messages form Source when we are upset, tired, irritated or depressed in life. We need to raise our own vibration to be in a loving state so we can better align ourselves with receiving the energy of Source with the least resistance of any of our own ego thinking.
We are all an aspect of Source having the experience of individuality in this realm of ego mind, remembering this and connecting to our Source is an incredible experience for those who have awakened. We are not perfect, and we should never give up receiving messages and insight, but we should realize just because it was our experience in receiving it does not make it truth for everyone else. It is our own truth, and there will be others who resonate with our truth to share the message with. When we accept that our ego mind plays a part in interpreting the message and we do not stand on a pedestal professing we know the truth, we become closer to Source by allowing ourselves to just be, and when this happens, the chances of a clearer message unfiltered by ego is much greater.
About David Howard PhD:
David is a Metaphysical Guide and Holistic Coach. He received his PhD form the University of Sedona and is currently finishing up his first book on higher consciousness, which will be published this fall- more exciting news to come!
His guides help to clarify his thinking, so his writings are more in alignment with Source and not his ego, offering a fresh new perspective for the spiritual seeker!
Feel free to check out his website
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