How Sacred Numbers Help Us Notice Our Inner Work
Intuitive Illuminations from an Inspired Mystic
Perhaps the idea that numbers hold energy is not a foreign concept to many of you. Many of you may have a favorite or ‘lucky number.’ Perhaps you are someone who can identify that number for yourself. Perhaps you look for the number as a sign of manifestation or see it as an augury of good things coming into your life.
In reality, each number holds a separate and very distinct energy. I will share with you what these numbers mean spiritually when you see them. As you read these descriptions aloud slowly, take a moment between each word and allow yourself to notice with each number which descriptions hold the most energy for you. You can even write down the ones that pop out as you move through the numbers. These numbers will likely hold clues to your internal story and feelings by the time you finish your list.
Ones most often represent beginnings, ideas and phrases like… the first, me… brand new me… my inner child… all show up with the energy of the ones. Concept’s like embarking on the hero’s journey, connecting with the pure inner potential, or the golden child show up in our minds eye when we pull this number in a tarot reading. New projects, new relationships, new feelings, new experiences, new opportunities, all show up on the horizon when this energy is active in us. Conversely, the ones can also express a need to connect more deeply with all of these archetypal one experiences.
Twos most often express pairs and the idea of twinship. Twinship can either suggest someone who is a mirror image of you, or someone who expresses characteristic’s that are very unlike you, or the opposite of you.
How people feel when they bump up against this two energy can vary. It can be felt as sisterly, like a close confidant. It can also be felt as recognizing a trait that you lack. Sometimes you may see this person from a place of envy or jealousy. The best way to work with this energy is to recognize that the other is a model which you can emulate. This helps you feel grateful for the other, instead of fearful of them or what they have.
Phrases like me and one other, and you and me against the world are often heard when dealing with two energy. Psychological concepts which show up with the energy of the twos are sibling rivalry, decentering and parallel play.
Consideration for another’s viewpoint is another aspect of two energy as it requires us to recognize there is more than one way to be, view and do things in the world. Two energy in a reading may also suggest the inability to embrace the challenges and opportunities expressed in the two.
Threes represent not being the center of attention—not oooing and awing over the other one, learning to delay gratification, advocating for yourself, recognizing each person’s strengths, not creating an underdog are other manifestations of the three energy. Not ‘just us’ anymore, increased creative potential in any endeavor or experience – relationships, projects, school opportunities etc… betrayal, triangulation, the wounding of not being chosen and revered.
Fours express stability, balance, and symmetry, stable structure, foundation, solidity of an idea, relationship or feeling, logic, tried and tested ways, proof, four square, and family. Sometimes too structured, too stable, too logical or orthodox to be interesting or compelling, too much four-ness although stable can lead to boredom or lack of creative challenge.
Fives express all of the energetic issues of three but in a larger context. They also express moving through adversarial situations for self and others. What is your definition of freedom/autonomy? How much is too much for you? How much freedom do you need to feel safe vs. how much togetherness? They can also suggest tension, the need to break away from the group, testing the waters, or me against them. If real needs around autonomy and freedom are not looked at, ego issues can arise or the person can go unheard in the group.
Sixes suggest qualities of social justice, advocacy, giving back, altruism, community gatherings, community organizations, grassroots projects, vision of bettering the group. Phrases that might be used to describe the energy of sixes are we are better together. Awareness and acceptance of more skills, ideas, strengths, innovations, are common with this energy. We are finally in a place where we can joyfully accept support and ideas here. Lastly, sixes express the need to get beyond the self or family into the larger world.
Sevens embody the need for internal spiritual awareness. Topics around manifesting, visions, dreams, synchronicity, patterns, solitude, honoring the inner self, secrets just for you, and creating meaning for the self in every way are common with this energy. This can be felt in arenas of relationships, career, and new journeys. This number can also suggest the need for spiritual work, awareness and centering.
Eights build on everything four represents in a larger sense—including solidity in the outer world, supportive structures, and external material manifestation. However, eight is more fluid than four. Here, you are starting to master your own way of being in the world. You are seeing the fruits of your vision. You are actively receiving support from groups. The belief that you will be successful is starting to feel real and verifiable. Eights can also express the tendency to ignore these issues or need support here.
Nines evoke the need to share spiritual awareness with the larger community. They reinforce and grow from the needs of the six and culmination of the gifts of six, seven and eight, The need to share spiritual truth with others, mentorship, awareness of goodness as a form of divinity, knowing you have what you need internally, teaching, ministering, listening, these are all part of nines energy. If you have the desire to give back and share your gifts, you are feeling nine energy. Or nines may show up when we need to express these feelings and experiences.
Tens are about seeing things coming to fruition because the ground has been laid and the work has been done. We are now wanting the seeds to sprout. Here we must have patience for the process. Also, the energy of the ten has to do with children, faith, and containment, working with desire and outcome or the lack of that outcome. When tens show up, we are being asked to have faith in the larger process. Recognize new beginnings… or we are being asked to let go of the outcome and grow our faith. Then we will see things come full circle.
Threes and sixes symbolically are very feminine (inner directed-receptive) numbers. Fives and eights are often masculine (active, outer-directed) numbers. Although this is an interesting idea, it often means the five and eight journey is deemed more important to men due to cultural conditioning and the three and six paths are more accessible and meaningful for women. Although this is a generalization, it often plays out in the world. How does this idea feel to you?
Odd number energies are creative, but often more chaotic. They push the envelope and seek to understand the ‘more’ of life. While they easily possess these qualities, they often lack grounding and/or experience. These numbers show up a lot with adolescents and in the midlife passage.
Even numbers tend to lend stability and support to the odd numbers, however, they can be experienced as stuck in a comfort zone or plodding. These energies can often be prone to too much grounding and marred by too much experience. These numbers show up a lot with authority figures or people who need some shaking up.
In numerology, 10’s always become ones; 1+0=1. Therefore, anything that has the potential to be a 1 also contains the potential of the 10. Likewise, anything that is a ten – closure and foundation – is eager to experience itself as a one again. 0 has no value and contains all values within it—the alpha and the omega, beginning and end. In the tarot, it is the entire journey, the world and the fool!
As for working with these concepts out in the world as you empathically attune to these energies, you will intuitively begin to pick up which of these sacred number descriptions and scenarios hold the most energy for you.
Numbers have always seemed to energetically speak to me about certain inherent qualities I possessed or was growing into. I will share a few of these stories here in the hope that they may help you to begin to open up more to spiritual number energy’s in your own life.
The first number with which I recognized a deeper spiritual resonance was with the number single digit 7’s, or double digit numbers that reduced down to 7. Both showed up in my waking life and in my night dreams in ever meaningful successions. The first deep awareness I had about the energy of 7 was more fully illustrated in a dream.
“In this dream narrative I was knocking on the door of a stone and moss dwelling (earth energy). After having walked up craggy stone steps I rang the doorbell expectantly to see what was waiting inside. The address on the house was 16 which when added is, 1+ 6 = 7. I realized at that point in the dream that my actual address reduced down to 7 as well, and so did the numbers of my bank account. I was able to recognize that these 7’s showed up when I was being asked to reflect on or deepen a sacred awareness in my own life. 7’s were everywhere and I began to see them as a unique sign that would help me shift my focus from the temporal to the sacred.”
Perhaps these 7’s were telling me a story about how to notice and shift my awareness in order to reveal a deeper purpose in my life. I remember later noticing 9’s with an equal energy. However, this was several years later and I now understood that by sitting with these synchronicities and noticing similarities regarding how and when they showed up, I could begin to intuit what they were saying to me. These 9’s showed up for me when I was sharing my awareness by reading for or teaching others. The 9’s, unlike the 7’s, were innately connected to sharing my spiritual gifts with a larger community, instead of just keeping them to myself.
In contrast, when 7’s show up, I am able to discern that, unlike the cosmic consciousness aspect inherent in the energy of 9, 7’s are about an internal drive to refuel, refine and add another layer to my spiritual sense of self.
I share these personal stories about 7’s and 9’s to illustrate the idea that symbols, all symbols, have a unique way of speaking to us on our spiritual journeys. The more you are able to move away from the collective culture’s definitions and meanings and instead ask with curiosity and patience what the symbol means to you, the more you will be able to glean clues as to its meaning, story, and presence in your own life.
The more we invite and imagine these expressions, the more we will come to understand how these symbols speak in unique ways to and through us. The preceding section illustrates what these numbers have shared with me about their meaning. Each set of numbers has had a unique story to tell that accompanied the way it showed up. I have chosen to focus on the messages I was able to intuit from these numbers.
Several years ago, I noticed an inherent need to focus more on my accomplishments in my outer life. This time, I asked the numbers to find me and speak to me directly about this new chapter and focus in my life. I was drawn to focus on the number 8. This number is all about feeling a sense of mastery and achieving a sense of success in the outside world. Knowing this, I purposely chose the number 8 for my locker at work. Several days later, I was walking to the bus after work and I picked up two playing cards on the ground. The first was a three, the second… you guessed it, a five. 3+5=8.
The energy of the three was all about using my creativity in my work environment to see myself as an empowered co-worker. The energy of the number 5 was all about how to handle the tension often inherent in a work environment and finding ways that honored people’s unique ways of being in that environment.
The overall message seemed to suggest that a wonderful combination of deep honoring and creativity would lead me to be able to express and embody the energy of the eight in a way that enabled me to recognize and grow my personal sense of power and efficacy. What might these numbers mean if you came across them on your own journey? I invite you to notice for yourself if these stories resonate. Feel free to refine your unique awareness as to how the numbers show up and speak to you.
Jenny’s Gem for the month of November is the Record Keeper Crystal. This amazing crystal helps us trace our own intuition and recognize our own synchronicities as it spiritually stores information, stories and experiences for the person it encounters.
This spiritual information may be ancient or karmic in origin, or from the here and now life of that person. It can lead you back to the energies most meaningful to you, so look for those signs and symbols in the sacred numbers you encounter and beyond.
When looking at the record keeper, you will likely see a raised triangle on the face, or occasionally on the shaft of the crystal. Sometimes multiple triangles (records) are on or seem to suddenly appear on crystals. This gives access to different information in each record.
For most people, information from the records can be received easiest through meditation with the crystal. Record keeper crystals can also be carried or placed by the bed or desk or where one spends a lot of time. But note, this one is a biggie, not typically able to be placed in a pocket.
The affirmation gem for November is:
I am moving toward the stories and energies the sacred numbers hold for me. I am readily able to incorporate energy from the stories they share into my life. I am moving toward all that is of me and for me.