Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. I had an opportunity yesterday to connect with Diana (Princess Diana). Here is what she had to say: Hello everyone. This is Diana. Please call me Diana, not Princess Diana. I am so happy to connect with all of you. You are a beautiful group of people. Each of you has such value. You have the potential to do something great. You have a role to fill. Be the star in your own life. Always follow your heart. I didn’t go by the rulebook. I led from the heart, not the head. Only do what your heart tells you. Love is all there is. I thank you all for the love you have shown me. I had no idea how admired and loved I was. I never would have imagined how inspiring and iconic I would become. I was focused on being a good mother, as well as an inspiration to my children. To me, family is the most important thing in the world. I always encouraged my sons to live as normal a life as possible. I never felt like an icon. I want my boys to have an understanding of people’s emotions, as well as their hopes and dreams. I am honored that my legacy and work live on through my sons. They also give of themselves just as I did. If you can, please help those in need. I never intended to be a political figure. I just came with my heart and wanted to help. The biggest disease of this day and age is that of people feeling unloved. Please carry out a random act of kindness without expecting anything in return. Someday, someone might do the same for you. I know my job was to go out, meet people and love them. Remember, character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you in return. Whoever is in distress can call on me and I will be there. Kindness can reach the deepest parts of the heart and soul. It could change the world and self. Always choose to be kind. Even though I lived in the public eye, I felt like a free spirit. This was the true me. I always found a reason to laugh and smile. You never know where life will take you. One day I was going to work on the bus, the next I became a princess. Life is a journey. If you find someone you love in your life, then hang onto that love. As for myself and Charles, we only met 13 times before we were married. At times I’m as thick as a plank. In regard to my marriage, there were three of us in the marriage, so it was a bit crowded. Any sane person would have left long ago. I couldn’t, I had two sons. Being a princess isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I would’ve like to be a Queen in the people’s hearts, but certainly not the Queen of the country. Charles was hopeless, odd at best. I was a frightened woman, often times speechless. I didn’t think I was good enough for this family. I wanted to remain as myself, never being anything artificial. It took me a while to realize that it was OK to be me. So many people supported me through my public life and I will never forget them. Every one of us need to show how much we care for each other. The kindness and affection I have been shown by the public helped me to make it through the difficult times. The love and affection eased my journey. I was also aware of people in the spirit world that were looking after me. The most beautiful things in the world are not seen or touched, they are felt with the heart. We all feel the same things. I always wore my heart on my sleeve. Nothing gave me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It was always my goal and an essential part of my life. In a way, it was my destiny. This brought me lasting meaning. Always be generous with others. Even the smallest act of compassion toward another person will make a difference. A good exercise for the heart is to reach down and help another up. Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder…”If Only.” Whether or not you believe in fairytales, every girl is a princess to somebody. All my love, Diana As she leaves, her beautiful perfume lingers on. It is a beautiful floral scent. ]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.