(through your date of birth) in which you have specifically chosen to exercise your manifest self. This is the road in life that you must travel. You can never change, or get off this road, since you cannot change your birth date. It is the culmination and accumulation of the Universal force/energy field which your Soul has chosen to use as a propellant on its journey back to GOD. This is the sum of the experience of living and being in this lifetime and it is what happens to you. It represents all the opportunities and events in your existence and is the field of experience or environment in which you get to exercise who you are based upon your name. Each Life Path explains the path you are on and each Life Path has a major life lesson that needs to be learned so, it is also a representation of your biggest fear…this is what you must learn! To determine your Life Path you must add the month, day and year of your birth by reducing each component to a single digit (except in the cases where the number is, or reduces to an 11, 22, or 33). For example, October is a 10 which reduces to a 1; November is the 11th month and must be calculated using the 11; December is the 12th month and must be reduced to a 3. In calculating the year, it must be written out in its complete form e.g. 1950 (not ’50). You must then add each digit to determine the single digit (1+9+5+0=15=6). If you were born in 1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, or 1993 you were born in a 22 Universal Year and the calculation must be made using the 22. Here are the particular Life Path Lessons for each Life Path number: 1 – LEARN TO BE A MOTIVATED LEADER. 2 – LEARN TO SERVE OTHERS WHILE LEARNING THE INTRICACIES OF PARTNERSHIP. 3 – LEARN TO EXPRESS YOUR SELF-CREATIVTY AND EMOTIONS. 4 – LEARN TO CREATE ORDER AND STRUCTURE WITH RESPONSIBILITY. 5 – LEARN TO EMBRACE CHANGE WHILE MAINTAINING BALANCE. LEARN AND EXPERIENCE THE VALUE OF FREEDOM WHILE EXERCISING SELF-CONTROL. 6 – LEARN TO UNDERSTAND AND EMBRACE RESPONSIBILITY. 7 – LEARN TO UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AND USE YOUR KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM AND INTUITION FOR YOURSELF AND OTHERS. 8 – LEARN ABOUT MONEY AND THE ENERGY OF MONEY. 9 – LEARN YOUR HUMANITARIAN PURPOSE AND SHARE IT 11 – LEARN THE DEPTHS OF YOUR GIFTS AND HOW TO POSITIVELY USE THEM WHILE LEARNING TO GIVE IN ORDER TO RECEIVE. 22 – LEARN TO DIRECT YOUR ENERGY OUTWARD IN LARGE PROJECTS AND ORGANIZATIONS WITH THE GOAL OF CREATING GOOD FOR ALL. YOUR REWARDS WILL FOLLOW. 33 – LEARN THE POWER OF HEALING YOURSELF AND OTHERS. DO NOT BE EGOTISTICAL IN WORKING WITH OTHERS. 44 – LEARN THE JUDICIOUS AND SELFLESS USE OF POWER. 55 – LEARN THE POWER OF CHANGE AND TRANSITION AND HOW TO APPLY THAT INFORMATION. Once you have understood and learned your Life Path Lesson it is important that you incorporate that lesson into all you do. Overcome the fear associated with each lesson and work to become a fully-realized and actualized human being, doing your part in contributing the advancement and improvement of the world. I wish you blessings of love and light on your journey. Namaste! Michael John Fierro www.michaeljohnfierro.com Find Michael on Facebook.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.