“We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way. The third is freedom from want…. The fourth is freedom from fear.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt As we journey into August, the 8th month of this year, we are on a spiritual plane vibrating to a 5. How did I get that? The year is 2+0+1+3=6, so take that 6 and add the month of 8, (6+8 =14 and 1+4 =5). The energy of the month of August is a 5. The 5 energy means change and transition, and being free. August Forecast Now let’s look at this – if the year is vibrating to a 5 and this month is vibrating to a 5 then this energy of 5 is going to be dominant. So this is going to be an interesting month with some unusual things going to happen. The energy of the month of August is a 5. The 5 energy means change and transition, and being free. This is a time to know your freedom and if you’ve been holding on to anything in your life, it’s time to bless it and let it go. Free yourself, along with your mind. This is the time to notice your hearing, your sight, your touch, your smell and your taste and the essence of all they entail. Our 5 senses are even more sensitive this month. You should do things that will stimulate your 5 senses, but be in control and don’t overindulged and get too loose in the feeling. You might have to put your plans on hold because it’s all about having fun in your moments of joy and surprises. Just as this year has been going fast, this month is going to go fast and it will be over before you know it. This is a month to really open your mind to new things that can benefit you and others. This is a time to look and feel your best when you are in a gathering of people. Go shopping for some new clothes and donate your old ones to charity. Sales may go up because people tend to spend money under the 5 energy. When I say ‘change,’ I mean change can take place in your workplace, residence, family and friends situations. August will be a good time to communicate and promote anything that you want people to know about. This is a good time to move away from old routines that do not work in your favor, but do it constructively. This is a time to be active in your life as well. Do social activities such as enjoying some entertainment. August is also a good time for a vacation: explore and have adventures. This will bring new opportunities and friends, and keep things exciting. Try to let things fall in your lap. Now within this month there will be moments of feeling creative, so use your imagination. Be an inspiration to others by taking the lead and being open to new things. Make some time to be with your family and friends and, again, have fun with them. Since I see love in the air, I am telling my clients to “FLY” and “First Love Yourself.” Yes, ‘Fly’ so you will attract someone that will love and appreciate you deeply, in other words, make sure your cup is full and what is spilling over, that’s for others to have. I also call this “Leading the Train of Life.” Time to shine or you may backslide due to the bad karma that’s been done. I want to add the word “Notice”- notice this energy! Those who need to be most aware are people that were born on 1,3,5,6,10,12,14,15,19,21,23,24,30 of any month or have a lifepath, name, personal year, month or date number that adds up to the numbers 1,3,5,6. Those born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces need to be conscience of the effect of the energy in August. People born in the months of January, March, May, June, October, and December need to take note, as well as people, places, things and words with the initials of A,C,E,F,J,L,N,O,S,U,W,X . If you were born on the days of Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday these days are of great favor so pay attention to them. For spiritual assistance you should call on the Archangel Raphael “God who heals.” For HooDoo Números Meditation in August, repeat these numbers to yourself out loud: 133915533. Repeat these many times every day for the rest of the month. This is something new that Spirit has been working on with me called, Number Frequency, to keep the body and your reality at a balance. I also give Personal HooDoo Números to clients in situations where they need to bring balance to their lives. Everyone who knows me knows that I have back problems. I know where it’s coming from, so I’ve got a code for that and I say it almost every day and I have no more pain in my back. With the numbers, everything has a code. By saying the code you are creating balance. Remember that everything you do is calculated and there is power in the numbers. Do you have a question you would like to ask about the numbers in your life? To learn more about your energy this year and what’s in store for you in 2013, email me at basayda@bellesprit.com. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, or call 864-326-5277. I am running specials with my Number Therapy Sessions/Readings if you contact me through this email address. Email today to schedule a time for your 2013 Number Therapy Reading!!! If you are ever in Greenville, SC, come see me at Studio Rejuvenate in Greer, SC. www.studiorejuvenate.com I want to THANK all that have already received a reading from me. The more you know, the more you are prepared, the more opportunities present themselves, and the more success you will have. I am your Numerologist & Vibrational Advisor Affirmation Coach. On “Facebook” and “Twitter” add me as your Friend. Listen to me on www.blogtalkradio.com/basayda-dorrell www.blogtalkradio.com/t2nrock www.t2nrock.com www.facebook.com/BellespritMagazine]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.