“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it.” ~ Henry Ford. As God’s fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. 2 Corinthians 6:1 As we journey into July 2013, the 7th month of this year, the planet Mercury has been in retrograde from 6/26 to 7/20 so this is a time to really rethink and redo. Now the spiritual plane this month is vibrating to a 4. How did I get that? The year is 2+0+1+3=6, so take that 6 and add that 7, (6+7= 13 and 1+3=4). The energy of the month of July is a 4. Four represents the elements: fire, earth, air and water. Now looking at it metaphysically these elements also represent spirit (fire), breath (air), body (earth) and blood (water) Be mindful of your health this month-drink plenty of water and exercise to help your heart and cardiovascular system. The 4 is cerebral and also means the energy is about working a lot and getting work that can become a job, building a solid foundation to better your future. Be open to learning new things. Getting educated will strengthen the weak areas of your ‘knowing.’ Be open to asking questions in order to find out the answer to the ‘why.’ This will be a good time to notice the details on any project and situation that is facing you at the moment. Get things in order, organize for possible future expansion. This is also a good month to take care of business. Check over all your money accounts, making sure the balance is correct. Money and finances are very much a part of this cycle. People need to be economical and practical so prepare a budget. Many of you may experience an unusual feeling this month and, if so, embrace it only if it’s good energy. Remember, this is a time to balance your being because this month will offer moments of things coming full circle for many. Be open to some soul searching. I always direct people to go within and meditate and analyze what your body and mind wants you to know. I want you to reflect on forgiveness. You need to forgive yourself and others as well; this is a good time to do it. Take your ‘power’ back by spending some time alone. Also take advantage of opportunities that might bring success. This is a time to be generous and have some compassion for all people. Things that are around your home that you don’t really need should be given to those that are less fortunate. That’s very good karma. Speaking of karma, that energy is forever present, and more so this month, so my question to you is, “How is life for you?” Be mindful of your deliberate creation and what you are putting out as it will come back to you. Think of fairness, kindness, peace, love, success, and joy and know that the Spirit is with us and have your full circle moments. I also call this “Leading the Train of Life.” Time to shine or you may backslide due to the bad karma that’s been done. I want to add the word ‘Notice’ – Notice this energy! Those who need be most aware are people that were born on 4,7,8,13,16,17,22,25,26, or 31 of any month or have a life path, name, personal year, month or date number that adds up to the numbers 4,7,8. Those born under the sign of Cancer, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces need to be conscience of the effect of the energy in August. People born in the months of April, July, August, need to take note, as well as people, places, things and words with the initials of D,G,H,M,P,Q,V,Y, and Z. If you were born on Sunday, Monday, or Saturday these also are days of great favor. Pay attention to them. For spiritual assistance you should call on the Angel Urial “God is Light.” For HooDoo Números Meditation in July, repeat these numbers to yourself out loud: 133915533. Repeat these many times every day for the rest of the month. This is something new that Spirit has been working on with me called, Number Frequency, to keep the body and your reality at a balance. I also give Personal HooDoo Números to clients in situations where they need to bring balance to their lives. Everyone who knows me knows that I have back problems. I know where it’s coming from, so I’ve got a code for that and I say it almost every day and I have no more pain in my back. With the numbers, everything has a code. By saying the code you are creating balance. Remember that everything you do is calculated and there is power in the numbers. Do you have a question you would like to ask about the numbers in your life? To learn more about your energy this year and what’s in store for you in 2013, email me at basayda@bellesprit.com or call 864-326-5277. I am running specials with my Number Therapy Sessions/Readings if you contact me through this email address. Email today to schedule a time for your 2013 Number Therapy Reading!!! If you are ever in Greenville, SC, come see me at Studio Rejuvenate in Greer, SC. www.studiorejuvenate.com I want to THANK all that have already received a reading from me. The more you know, the more you are prepared, the more opportunities present themselves, and the more success you will have. I am your Numerologist & Vibrational Advisor Affirmation Coach. On “Facebook” and “Twitter” add me as your Friend. Listen to me on www.blogtalkradio.com/basayda-dorrell www.blogtalkradio.com/t2nrock www.t2nrock.com www.facebook.com/BellespritMagazine ]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.