“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.“~ Albert Einstein
I agree with Albert Einstein. Reality is merely an illusion, a very convincing one. As we grow in consciousness, we realize just how much of illusion is in our lives. We label our experiences good or bad, wonderful or terrible. Yet, in perspective – all experiences are simply what is. Each experience teaches us or we teach others. Many do not get the lesson, so they experience repeating patterns – as if a tape looping around and around, replaying these same experiences – that is, until we ‘get’ it. Until we learn that lesson.
I do Energy and Karma Reports for individuals. The person is always surprised that I can hook into their emotions, their deep-seated pain, resentments, and anger. I can actually ‘see’ their past lives.
I can reveal to them the ‘why’ of the traumatic experiences that caused these feelings – and then, it all makes sense. There truly is nothing to be angry, resentful, or cause pain when we have the perspective necessary to acknowledge that everything is truly only Divine Order and our Karmic debts.
This September is a very special time for each of us. It is a time for setting boundaries. Not putting up a fence in our backyard – but setting boundaries around our heart space. Boundaries are so important – yet, most people have blurred boundaries, or none at all.
September is a time of going deep within ourselves. To relive painful, traumatic moments in this lifetime. The reliving gives us perspective if we pretend we are above the experience, an outside observer witnessing the events. It is a form of detachment, an exercise that will aid you in actually seeing all the parts of the ‘play’. Each of us will be able to see the players in the experience, and hopefully; realize that it was all for us to learn – and to teach, one another.
If you are studying a lesson in school, you do not take it personally. You simply read and study the material, absorb the information, and file it away for future reference. Either you learn the material, or not. So what does this have to do with your personal experiences that caused so much upset and turmoil? Everything, it has everything to do with it. Learning that lesson in school, you are detached and objective – something most of us cannot do in our own life experiences. When we label an experience, especially what we term negative experiences – we judge them, we feel them, we take it personally.
What if none of your experiences are to be taken personally? How would that feel? You would be the observer in your life. It would accelerate your learning process, increase your consciousness.
If you could see all of your experiences were love or karma in action, how would that change your view of them? It would change them drastically!
Hard work will pay off if you get in touch with your true, loving spirit. What others think of you, is none of your business – and their problem. Do not take issue with them.
September is the perfect month to cut out all negative influences! Does someone always criticize you? Do they put down your beliefs and lifestyle choices? Cut them off and out of your life! These negative people are dragging your energy down every time you interact.
An interesting exercise is to write down the names of all the people in your life, whether relatives or friends. Next to the person’s name, write down a couple of words that would describe your relationship. Then ask yourself, “What am I getting out of this relationship? Is it positive, or negative?” This exercise will clarify what is bringing you down. Get rid of any ‘doubting Thomas’ that is constantly telling you, “You can’t, that won’t work, that’s stupid.” or any of the repeating negative comments you hear.
The illusion is that you think you need that person in your life, or they need you. As Dr. Phil says, “How is that working for you?”
Do the inner work. Focus within this month, do the most important work of your life. That work is on yourself! You cannot change anyone else – hopefully, you have learned that by now. Instead, gain perspective, and acknowledge the illusions that have been operating in your life.
Choose to be of service, to shine your light, the pure, unconditional love that is a bottomless well within your soul only after you have done the inner work. Keep your personal revelations to yourself. Do not impose your beliefs on others – BE the example of your consciousness. You do not have to say a word. The right people, the encouragers, supporters, will be attracted to you simply because of your energy.
I wish you well! Namaste` Jussta
Image © Jussta
Quote: www.brainyquote.com