We all know as adults that life has its challenges and everyone is on their own individual path, with their own unique patterns, insecurities and lessons to work on. Some people address their own limiting beliefs and break free of old patterns, while others spend their whole lives being run by them.
What does all this mean? Why is it relevant to the inner child? Because it means that:NO-ONE IS PERFECT
And this means that most parents aren’t perfect. When we are children parents are like God’s we learn everything from. Even the most well-meaning parents can sometimes accidentally hand down some of their own beliefs, behaviors and baggage without meaning too. This in turn becomes your baggage as you move into adult life. For example, a young girl that experiences being ignored by her stressed, hard working dad may develop a belief that a man’s love isn’t available to her and then because of that belief, later in life, will continually attract men whose love isn’t available to her, playing out that belief and wanting love. Even though the dad was probably doing his best, the child has formed a limiting belief that they take through life with them and controls and sculpts their future behavior. If children have very critical parents, then they grow up criticizing themselves and attracting people into their lives that do the same. The parents may have thought they were helping the child improve, but instead a belief has been formed that they aren’t good enough. When you criticize yourself and put yourself down, your inner child is trapped in those feelings of not being good enough and you keep the cycle going.
The truth is that once we understand that no-one is perfect, we may be able to start to change our perspective. The great news is that you have the power to change all that for yourselves. You stop being brought up by your parents somewhere in your teens, at this point, you are in charge of your own support and so you have a choice to carry the old parenting methods or if they didn’t make you feel good about yourself, you can change them for a set of values and behaviors that do support your happiness and well-being. You have that power. To do this you first need to build in your mind perfect, loving, supportive parents. Parents without their own baggage or limiting beliefs, truly balanced individuals, who love, value, cherish and respect you in whatever you do. What would they look like? What would they say? How would their tone and behavior be different? Whenever you find yourself playing out old patterns, criticizing or devaluing yourself in anyway, imagine your perfect loving supportive parents, giving you words of encouragement and support, appreciation and non-judgment. By doing this you can start to break those patterns and help your inner child (inner you) to start feeling loved and valued, safe and secure. This allows you to develop feeling more confident and relaxed within yourself and about yourself than ever before and puts you in charge of your own happiness, instead of being the victim of handed down limiting programs. As you feel more comfortable about yourself, you will start to attract different people and situations into your life. Try it for yourself and see how it works for you. Thanks;Pippa King