NEW Moon, 08 June 11:56am EDT The Spirit of Synthesis May we all welcome the opportunity to engage in a brand new energy from the Gemini area of our life! The collective’s emotions are now stimulated in the sign that strives for concentration within our communications. While we have already seen a preview of ideas wishing to be synthesized within The Twins to result in harmonious outcomes, where will you take in some further spirit where love and wisdom wish to unite in your personal Zodiac Pie? Moon enters Gemini 11:32pm EDT, 06 June to 12:16pm EDT, 09 June A Moon in Gemini brings forth adaptable and inquisitive feelings as our Lunar Light joins hands with The Twins. As the Zodiac Month of Gemini opens up our awareness to concentrate on ideas while synthesizing our soul- be on the alert to embrace opportunities to really sharpen up within this area of the life. There is a fitful instinct to imagine within, which is eager to observe, self-express, and start taking communicative action about what is on our minds. New Moon, 08 June, 11:56am EDT, 18 degrees Gemini As another waxing phase begins, time to get those new ideas and initiations out there to gather in the light. Air is Gemini’s elemental influence, so be alert to those intellectual gifts that are meant to unfold- as this New Moon kicks off an inventive force that the Twins wish to share with you. Remember the true genius gift of Gemini comes with cultivating concentration to bring out the ideas that are truly meant to serve you best. Should two opposing ideas present themselves, it will be through honoring the request of uniting the spirit to bring forth the co-operative means that allows them to work as one. Be sure to check your 18-degree Gemini spot in the natal birth chart to see as well to see how some fresh energy wishes to emerge from this area of the life. This lunation point is specifically calling for the deepest sense of recognizing the synthesis of the spiritual ideals verses the material means. Seeds planted in this section of your Zodiac Pie until the Full Moon 23 June are more than bound to reap a rich harvest further down the road. Moon Void of Course 4:29am EDT 09 June to 12:16pm EDT, 09 June Moon VOC is the passage in where the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign. In essence, it is a time that is well advised to not take up in forward motion nor important decisions for the future. Even as we welcome our second waxing moon of spring, when our New Gemini Moon conjuncts Jupiter at 26 degrees Gemini, spending time in reflection and review is still favored until it enters Cancer. For the Collective We find this New Moon in Gemini to be a welcomed emotional force that is surrounded by conclusive energies that continue beyond the waxing phase as Mars, our Finalizer planet will transit within the Twins throughout early July. What initiates under this waxing phase will have plenty of dynamic action to motivate and increase the desires to make it happen quickly, especially by 26 June. As the Moon VOC conjunct to Jupiter engages 09 June, reflecting upon all the past years’ learning and growth here is favored. One will find this New Moon to stimulate feelings associated with a true spiritual calling to what is about to happen next. As any soul takes up in consciously being aware of the power that comes from aligning within, the non-material blessings will be ones to cherish and acknowledge the most. LUNAR-O-SCOPE, New Moon in Gemini 2013 For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. However, it is the awareness and mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that will point to the accuracy of how the current planetary landscape affects you. For the true astrology buffs, be sure to check the Gemini House, in particular where the 18-degree Gemini spot in your natal birth chart lives. (A natal birth chart is determined from the time of birth, which allows a more in-depth look to equally see where some pondering is ideally meant to unfold in how the planets uniquely affect you.) Whether the collective or individual vantage point, these are the areas of life that call for you to bring forth initiation and beginnings within the next two weeks to follow. Properly embracing the new and gathering up in these areas until the next Full Moon upon 23 June will plant energies in place for future use. Aries: Things have been truly emerging alive and well where I Communicate. Embrace this time to initiate energies that further your mental capacity to explode with some truly clever ideas. Plan a short trip now, or are you already pioneering upon one? Siblings and neighbors take on new meanings, as review also asks how much you value them. Think your spirited mind already asks too many questions? Think again, for there are plenty more answers you are meant to receive. Taurus: You’ve already been called to focus upon a fresh passion that takes root in value-related areas, and all that I Have. Your earning power now branches out into a new blossom to flow from one that you have been patiently waiting for. As you cherish that true sense of solidarity and security, have the faith this will open up into a strength you can rely upon. Important changes surrounding your perspective on your possessions ask for spirit to guide you. Gemini: MINI GEM, you are still in the spotlight of it if it new it is for you, where you take on life from the understanding of all that I Am. Witty, liberal, and self-oriented feelings accompany your improvisational approaches. Your mind is on high alert, and can easily commit to taking this time to allow concentration to be your friend. The world is innately curious to see the courageous new you. As you unite the spirit and synthesize within, your first impressions are only guided by love. Cancer: The Crab continues on a deep dive to those inner places in life, and spirit has more new things to show you where I Process. Your nighttime dreams continue to be extra attuned to revealing truths for your waking world. The subconscious realms and your understanding of inner work intensely call. While you may feel you wish to hold on, it is the time to unhook your claws from any weight from the past- this grants the space to truly adore your soul and unite inside. Leo: Have you already been enjoying new friendships in your royal court where I Socialize Dear Lion? As this fresh energy promises, more people are on the way that you are meant to discover a connection with. What group or cause have you been thinking about joining? Explore what importance these can hold for your future. Accept that unexpected invitation to get out of the lion’s liar, which will mentally satisfy. Keep going for high hopes, big dreams, and wish well. Virgo: It’s no time to be shy where I Structure. A definite harvest, stability, recognition and reward awaits you in the career and public life, if you don’t sense this already after all you’ve recently learned here. Promote or start a new business. Enjoy the climb further up the ladder of success, and be thankful to the spiritual journey you absorbed along the way. Your relationship to authority also asks for a new direction you’ve not been responsible to up till now. Libra: Inspiration continues to fuel your philosophies, and all that I Believe. It may be time to take a long trip to balance those Scales if you haven’t started to journey already. However you travel, find a way to broaden your spiritual view of the world at large. The urge to expand your optimism will not cease, as you are asked to find even more new educational and learning pursuits that bring you clarity and peace, allowing a genuine harmony to synthesis your soul. Scorpio: You are urged to investigate more within your securities and investments, and make decisions about changes where I Transform. Other people’s money can continue to flow easily to you now. No stranger to death and rebirth, you’ll find there is a core awakening in process, strengthening your passion like never before. While it’s no secret you always feel sexy, an intense excitement unfolds that initiates some even more powerful feelings in the bedroom. Sagittarius: The strength of your partnerships from romantic ties to business contacts where I Relate carry on with streaming in the new. The fresh faces you connect with are of special importance to future endeavors. Aim your arrow to stimulating one on one conversations that captivate your intellect. A friendly spark ignites as you encounter new ways to find optimism with those you are closest to. Legal agreements move forward with ease after the close of June. Capricorn: While your world is practically perfect Old Goat, you can always bring improvements to your health and where I Serve. New routines continue to call as more fresh habits also wish to initiate. If you have felt resistance with ones that no longer serve you, simply say adios. A sincere difference shifts with your co-workers. Remember to take pause from all the laboring and have some fun with the pets- and if a new furry face finds you, it definitely may be an ideal match. Aquarius: There’s new life still on the way to be illuminated where I Create. Take advantage of this inventive and stimulating energy journeying on to enjoy new projects- you’ll discover you can finish them up quickly. You are motivated to acknowledge your playful feelings, which includes your contacts with children or brain children- all are able to ignite and captivate your attention now. It is a powerful time for originating any creative adventure or love affair with a loyal heart. Pisces: Have you already been on the cleaning itch within your house Dear Fishes? Where I Nurture in your home environment and family desires more of your imagination and full focus. The dynamic push to get things done increases. Your psychic desires will continue to appreciate and be tune-in to the extra déjà vu experiences that especially surround you now. As all channels are open within the nest egg, they continue to ask you to receive their important messages.]]>
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