LUNAR-O-SCOPE LUNAR Eclipse in Sagittarius, FULL Moon 25 May Releasing Soul Freedom We’ve gathered through the last New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus upon the 09 May to now take aim for release in the enthusiastic energies of The Archer. While any given Full Moon typically brings intensity to our emotions, be prepared for the energy of truth to emerge on the collective as completion arrives in Sagittarius. Coupled by the 3rd Eclipse of Spring 2013, this Lunar one holds the request for letting go and seeing defining conclusions within this area of the life, asking us to tap into our sense of freedom here and learn more about it in profound ways. Moon enters Sagittarius 5:49pm EDT 24 May to 5:28pm EDT 26 May The stimulation of exploration, education, philosophy, and inquiry are the natural gifts of a Moon in Sagittarius. Instincts are easily inspired- as warm and intuitive feelings accompany honorable, highly independent, and spontaneous energies. The collective is urged to embrace these favorable choices. As the Archer ideally appreciates the realms of higher learning, taking on the student role can bring fantastic rewards. Lunar Eclipse, 12:10am EDT 25 May, 03 degrees Sagittarius The affects of this lunation wish to offer completion, finalizations, and surrender where this 03 degree, 59 minutes of Sagittarius point exists within one of the twelve houses composing the natal birth chart and from the collective vantage point. You’ll find as well, at this tipping point of a 03 degree energy, that the ability to better understand your freedom in this area of the life will be calling strongly. Eclipses always cast off a longer passing of energy whose affects can be witnessed for up to a year. Far beyond the normal two-week waning time frame, the request reflection and cleansing will find itself calling strongly from this part of the life. Full Moon, 12:25am EDT 25 May, 04 degrees Sagittarius Once our Lunar Lady at 4 degrees Sagittarius opposes our Sun at 04 degrees 08 minutes Gemini, this ultimately presents the platform for completion. Yet, it is far too often that these energies are met with the opposite force of resistance, something that the 4’s energy can be known for as well. Steer clear of restless, superficial, diffusive, argumentativeness, unrestricted desires and rebellious reactions. With the unexpected and fiery energy of this lunation completing in a mutable sign, allowing the free will to respond with warmth, intuition, enthusiasm and inquiry will amazingly aide in handling the changes promises to bring forward. For the Collective Neptune will offer up structure to this Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon as he forms a close square to it from over at 05 degrees Pisces. Again, another potential for resistance, but if we seek to understand what is asking to be felt emotionally from Gemini to Pisces and from Sagittarius to Pisces within our life, we’ll find the opportunity and reward in the foundation presenting a strength here. There will be incredible energy surrounding this transit that will ask for movement within these mutable signs to be honored. As Neptune is so directly involved, be sure to not be deceived by any changes, but as always with our Mystic Planet, taking that SILENT LISTEN will be required to absorb the call from Spirit that will be looking for the collective to pay attention to it. LUNAR-O-SCOPE Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Sagittarius, 2013 For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. However, it is the awareness and mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that will point to the accuracy of how the current planetary landscape affects you. For the true astrology buffs, be sure to check the Sagittarius House, in particular where the 03 & 04-degree Sagittarius spots in your natal birth chart live. (A natal birth chart is determined from the time of birth, which allows a more in-depth look to equally see where some pondering is ideally meant to unfold in how the planets uniquely affect you.) Whether the collective or individual vantage point, these are the areas of life that call for you to bring forth release and conclusions within the next two weeks to follow, and as a Lunar Eclipse promises- for up to an entire year’s time. Properly embracing letting go in these areas until the next New Moon upon 08 June will make the appropriate space for the new to be planted later. Aries: Worn-out philosophies await your release Dear Ram, for they don’t fit into the belief system that is meant to be a part of your future where “I Believe.” Long trips are on the mind, especially reflecting upon ones past. However you may travel, pursue something that puts your pioneering spirit heading towards higher education. This can serve you greatly as you equally ignite the workings of your communications, while unraveling further mysteries and answers in solitude where you process. Taurus: Been thinking about how to revitalize your securities and financial situations Dear Bull? It’s review time here: other people’s money, investments, and resources, all where “I Transform.” Aiming your roots deeper into intimacy, allows complete illumination to be at your fingertips for regeneration. Rebirth is speaking from the core of your being. You have the imagination to color all your hopes, dreams and wishes as friends and groups assist you in realizing the worth of what you already have. Gemini: People are your pleasure Mini Gem, and now it’s time to tap into how “I Relate.” Whatever partnerships need repair- this is a fabulous time to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Lingering legal agreements find conclusions. Seek to bring fairness to whatever decisions are to be made- it’s no time to remain split. You’ll find the intuition where your structure your public life is spot on when you unite it with how your new approaches and first impressions of life are abundantly changing. Cancer: Has something been intuitively telling you to improve your routine, personal habits, or health where “I Serve?” But of course your psychic powers are working wonderfully. Changes now alter how you are of service to the world, offering renewal in your routine, health and habits. Shifts here really has your inner world equally inspired to learn more and grow, as your state of solitude and where you process enthusiastically shares these messages with sorting out what you are now meant to believe. Leo: Nothing will stop you from feeling free where “I Create.” Your latest adventure here now concludes. Release tired inspirations. Children or “brain-children’ require your attention as will any love affair. The review and reassessment here allows a sense of regeneration to speak to your core. Make sure you connect this to all of your hopes, dreams and wishes, and see what friends and groups are going to assist you in making them all come true- someone’s money may help you along the way. Virgo: Don’t be shy about conclusions that pertain to your home and family life, where “I Nurture.” Should drama find your environments, especially now don’t react to it- respond! When that déjà vu occurs, listen to that instinct you hear: don’t doubt it for a second, as its’ message is of karmic importance. Abundant changes are forming the new foundation for the career that are going quite well, and you’ll find- one on one relationships are the key to understanding how you relate to it all. Libra: What’s the worn out way of thinking that doesn’t make sense for you to keep relating to where “I Communicate?” The intellect desires release, as you refresh your mentality and ideas. Siblings may call your attention now, as well as your neighbors. Clear up the confusion that may be surrounding how you are being of service to others and your health- this wishes to formulate with your beliefs and know that you are truly living up to the philosophies and learning experiences you prefer for balance. Scorpio: Call upon release and necessary changes will be made within your values and understanding of what “I Have.” This further results in a readjustment of your earning power. Deeply look at your possessions -these also request transformation- now is the perfect time to let things go that you truly no longer need. As imagination now soars from your creative nature, this is urging a structure to be formed from the core, regenerating your innate knowing to give gratitude for what comes from within. Sagittarius: The lunar spotlight this month shines upon the “I Am” of you Dear Archer, so slow down just a little bit to catch the reflective energies that are of great benefit to you now. There is an old approach you can let go of, allowing the world to view you in a renewed way- and this is making a new foundation equally from where you nurture- offering plenty of healing along with it. As you retire old impressions this releases understanding about how you truly relate to what you partner up with. Capricorn: Strong emotions stir within the inner layers of your psyche and the unknown, where “I Process.” Your subconscious urges a shift of focus from perfection- to toil with the most hidden parts of yourself. Your innate patience helps you really to listen, allowing for a wonderful opportunity to find some mysterious ideas to assist you- be sure to write it all down. All connects to let in further inspiration where you serve the world, and where you are currently improving habits and routines. Aquarius: Energy now releases in your friendships and organizations, where “I Socialize.” Aiming high in your groups right now allows all of your wishes in these areas to come true later on. Accept that spontaneous invitation- it reveals an adventure that connects the past to the future. Creatively, you process some true revelations that stimulate an inspiring spotlight to be able to shine upon your stage- see how this can bring more to what you have by embracing pure imagination and gratitude. Pisces: The Fishes swim closely to career matters right now, and reflection is necessary where “I Structure.” Your purpose, mission, and reputation ask for some soul-searching, so take up in stillness to hear your intuitive gifts. You’ll find strength if you align these with how your approaches are swimming in new waters. The fresh energies you are experiencing in your family, home and environments equally wish to aide in keeping all of your psychic waters clear and calm for clarity.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.