New Moon in Cancer, 15 July 2015 Where Will You Feel Initiations & Fresh Starts? What Are Your Feelings? Know Your Point of Attraction The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle promoting start up energy while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing completion, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm with specific forecasting advice, timing when your Sun Sign naturally benefits from initiation or letting go. Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns that ultimately change our moods and sensations. Keeping our emotions healthy allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, as these cycles flavor us all uniquely. New Moons start Waxing Phases, Let’s Begin This two-week cycle normally favors actions involving anything new, as increasing energy moves forward throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next Full Moon in Aquarius 31 July. Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods Even under a Waxing Phase, you will not wish to plan, plant, purchase, or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. It is even more critical during the current Mercury Retrograde Shadow as well, to be well aware of when it is Moon VOC. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for the calendar’s most current Moon Void of Course times. Looking Ahead: Venus Retrograde in Leo 25 July to 06 September The request to review, reflect and redo concerning values, money, beauty & relationships. Venus Retrograde passages specifically favor to carefully plan ahead for its’ 6 week passage. Venus is our planet who guides over our values, money, securities, beauty and relationships of any kind. During a Retrograde cycle, her backtracking through the Zodiac asks for us to not make important moves for the future concerning these areas of our lives. Reconsidering values across the board within our relationships, holding off on any beauty enhancement (personal or material), reviewing our financial securities through research, looking out for bargains, and remembering to seek to understand make for great practices during this cycle of reflection. Approach Began: 21 June | Shadow Ends: 08 October What’s Your Sun Sign? The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally beginning with feeling within your life this lunar month. ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture. Vivid and dynamic energy now freely cultivates new flows for your home and family life. Déjà vu is apt to channel some important messages for you to receive. Conversation is in play relating to how your source energy is transforming your overall wealth, which is deeply in touch with your inner process. TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Communicate. Your mindset is streaming with imagination as new light now shines to nurture your brainstorms, welcoming a complete fresh energy to your thinking. Keep up with your journaling that assists helping in knowing more about your relationships, allowing your hopes and wishes for the future to realign. GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have. Giving gratitude for what you already have during this New Moon in Cancer only makes room for more. Honoring this practice, opens vibrant and valuable doors to rely on now for an increase in your earning power. As you review your routines and habits, more intuition naturally allows more healing to enrich changes for your career. CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am. The new eagerly surrounds your approaches to life, as the world absolutely looks at you differently, as all kinds of potentials for change are abound. The new mask you have been built to create a refreshed appearance is ready to create with recycled ideas, and ones involving your strongest spiritual beliefs. LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process. The time in the silent listen now unfolds rewards as you continue to honor your solitude, with new inner processes here finding you. Dreams can be stunning with messages for your waking life during this New Moon in Cancer. Deep clearing in your home life pursues as it nurtures, and you feel this the strongest from your very core. VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize. Inspiration completely ignites future goals to kick up their energy to enrich your hopes and wishes, with new friends, organizations and groups stirring into this mix. As you are called as well you get any lingering doubt out of your mind and truly trust, it is your partnerships that show you how the most. LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure. As initiations energetically emerge to move your career and public life forward, it’s time for action, recognition and reward. There is equal value for your earning power to receive in this process, which asks for just a bit more focus on what you still need to change within your habits, health and routines. SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Believe. As your philosophies channel inspiring growth during this New Moon in Cancer, you may take a long journey that seeks to spiritually educate and connect within you, especially through travel. Patient changes still nudge at you involving taking on life differently, asking you to pay close attention to the intuitive channels where you create. SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform. One of the most regenerative new moons of your year, embrace the genuine presence of rebirthing energy concerning your wealth and core source energy of your being. As your inner process calls for solitude to sort it out, you find you will feel like your most recent soul testing is over with at home. CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate. Fresh and vibrant energy speaks to matters relating to what’s new in your business or personal partnerships. Look to what you truly want from your future, and you’ll find you have a bit of karmic clearing here to reset your goals, involving healing your mindset to really think on the upside of life. AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve. You already know it’s time to break through with change and bring in the new life concerning your abilities to serve others, your health, habits and routines. There are connections that also ask to consider who you are trusting in your career, so you can heal your intake of money once and for all. PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create. Your creative nature has been seeing the spotlight, yet there are more curtains to raise with children or brain-children on your feeling radar. Whatever clearing you may still need to do to truly believe you can achieve, is the final clues that allow you to equally know, you are healed and so is your soul. Other Need To Knows About What July’s New Moon Means For You Moon enters Cancer How Our Feelings Find Sensitivity 14 July, 2:14am EDT to 16 July, 10:15am EDT Element: Water | Moon transits in water signs attract sensitivity, receptivity & intuition Engage: sympathy, social ability, domestication, sensitivity, nurturing, reliving experiences Avoid: indolence, moodiness, apprehension, being timid, emotional attachments New Moon When Our Feelings Find Initiation 15 July, 9:24pm EDT, 23 degrees Cancer Consciously Aim For: Emotional Enfoldment Waning Phase: 23 degrees Cancer to 07 degrees Aquarius Energy initiates and builds within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 31 July. Moon Void of Course: 7:24am to 10:15am EDT 16 July, Moon enters Leo 23 degree point lunation’s are always ones that bring in the flavor of change, protected energy and karmic rewards concerning the new beginnings within our life. This month absolutely requires our attention and brings us the blessings of ‘The Royal Star of the Lion’ of the 23’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery which proclaims: “This is a karmic reward number. 23 bestows, not only a promise of success in personal and career endeavors, it guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It’s a most fortunate number, and greatly blesses with abundant grace the person or entity represented by it. As always, the 23 must be considered along with other Single and Compound Key Numbers making up the full numerological analysis, which may not be quite so fortunate. But other numbers don’t have much of a chance to bring about serious trouble when the Royal Star of the Lion is present during difficult times. No number can challenge the Lion’s strength and win.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Sign This Cancer New Moon is completely receptive and packed full of karmic healing and clearing concerning our past wounds so we can start anew with knowing we are meant to now move forward in our lives. Albeit a very wide trine, it speaks to Saturn Retrograde at 28 degrees Scorpio, as well as Chiron Retrograde at 21 degrees Pisces, our other two water signs in the Zodiac. Plenty of nostalgia will be around with this lunation. Equally, the soothing of our emotions through these memories will help to heal our feelings and in turn allow us to recognize the differences necessary for our live sot move forward with positive change. The new energy speaking from our Cancer slice of life will be full of information and plenty of learning for us to take in as well under the waxing phase that follows until 31 July. At another 5 vibration representing change and movement will be Mars and Mercury conjunct at 14 degrees Cancer, which will flavor action to manifest whatever intentions we choose to focus upon, so it is wise to make sure we are utilizing our communication to the best of our abilities wherever The Crab lives in our Zodiac pies. Star Meditations for 15 July’s 23 degree Cancer New Moon: Affirmation for 23: Perfection | “The ring and the zodiac foreshadow excellent events.” ~Nostradamus Divination for 23: You are feeling strong and courageous, as through life is without boundaries. Peace and happiness reign and you are magnetically attracting all that you desire. Snuggle up on that magic carpet ride, all safe, cozy and warm. Those far off galaxies are really not so far when you are blessed with this mystical number. Reflection for 23: Should you face the challenge of this vibration, you may wish to purr at yourself in the mirror and ask,
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.