happiness. All this can help encourage the seed to germinate and push through the soil to grow. Next, in the area to be filled by what grows from your seed, write what may sprout in your life from this tiny seed. How will your life begin to change? If you have already observed any changes, write them down as well. To help the seed you have planted to keep growing, you need to remember to tend to this sprout for it to reach maturity. At the top of the page, you can write what that looks like for you. What does more happiness look like in your life? This will focus the nourishing energy to help it grow to the next stage, which is blossoming. To enable full bloom to happen, you need to allow it to unfold. Are you ready for this seed to blossom into your life? Be honest, look deep within and see if you are. Write down on the back of the paper what hesitations, fears or concerns you may have. How will this blooming happiness change you and your life, relationships, and so on? What changes do you think may occur? If you have already experienced any changes write them down as well. For a flower to open, each and every petal needs to unfold in its own time and fully open to become the beautiful flower it was meant to be. Are you allowing it to unfold naturally? Let’s go back and check each step. Have you prepared a good mixture of soil for the seed to grow? Have you actually planted the seed? It happens occasionally that you forget that step. Sometimes you prepare the soil and have all the necessary requirements, but forget to actually plant the seed. Do you have the water and light? Not much grows without water and light, not even you! One important ingredient is tender loving care. It has been proven scientifically that if you talk to a plant nicely when tending to it with loving thoughts, it will grow larger and fuller than the ones that are negatively cared for. So, have you been thinking loving thoughts about your seed and envisioning it blooming in your life? To renew your commitment to the growth of your seed, fold the paper with the writing on the outside, tuck it into an envelope, and mark it “Don’t open until Solstice.” You can mail it to yourself or tuck it into your calendar to remind you of what seed you have planted. I hope this has inspired you to think about what you would like to sprout in your reality. May this March be the time you plant the seed of what you want to grow in your life – and spring forward! Views:]]>
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About Bellesprit
Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.