The illusion of control The simple answer is because most of us like to feel in control of situations, of our lives. Especially in the face of uncertainty, whether it’s a new job or a relationship, every choice we make has a consequence in our lives, so if we can ‘work out’ what’s going to happen, then we feel more in control of the situation. Although we are in control of our choices and what we send out to the universe, things usually show up in our lives in different ways to how we imagine. Dead ends When we make judgements about anything, we label it and limit it. For example, if we don’t get a job that we are going for we may judge that as bad, or we may decide that there are only options available to us in a situation. When we judge a situation in this way, we block the flow of energy and infinite possibilities that are available to us. We are creating our reality in every moment through our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Literally what we are ‘being’ reflects back to us in our experience. So when we think that there is only one option or place an assumption on something, we have already blocked it from becoming anything else with our own thoughts. We can limit ourselves with our thinking. When we decide what we think is right, we start heading towards it. Whatever we decide is wrong we usually try to stop or eliminate it. But, every time we label something as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ we create a conclusion that cuts off our awareness and closes the door to the possibility of creating something even greater than we could have thought of showing up in our lives. Do you see how limiting that can be? Do you realize that questions allow us another way? Infinite possibility When we approach every situation in our life as an open ended question instead of an answer, label, judgement or assumption, then we start to remove all the limitations and allow ourselves to open up infinite possibility into our lives. Do you remember a time in your life when you have felt a sense of wonder and excitement for what might happen next? Whether it was during childhood, reading a story or wondering how a film will end, that sense of wonder comes from the positive side of ‘not knowing what will happen next,’ as opposed to the fear of the unknown. Doesn’t trying to work everything out get tiring sometimes? Instead of deciding that a situation is bad when it doesn’t work out the way you would like it to, or wearing yourself out trying to make a decision about something and find the answer, try asking a question instead and see what feels different. Light or Heavy When we apply a question such as “How does it get any better than this?” or “What else is possible?” to any situation good or bad, then we shift the focus of judgement open to a new possibility, with the focus on something better. Even if we are not sure we know exactly what we want that is better, it shifts our awareness and attention onto something better and opens up the flow of possibility from the universe without us limiting outcomes with our own thinking. Next time you catch yourself judging a situation in your life as negative in anyway or feeling there are only limited options in a situation, try asking the questions above and notice how they make you feel; lighter or heavier? When something makes us feel lighter, it is our body’s wisdom letting us know that is good for us and removing pressure. If you are faced with any choices in your life, ask yourself “If I choose this, what will my life be like?” and notice if you feel lighter or heavier. The lighter you feel, the better you’ll feel and your body knows at some deeper level if that choice will bring lighter energy or heavier energy into your life, whatever the outer appearance of the circumstances. Questions allow flow Positive questions are an open invitation to the universe that create movement and flow in our lives. When we go into judgement or label things as good or bad, we draw a conclusion and that stops flow. Because questions are open ended, they allow the flow of energy to circulate and expand. Manifesting something better The universe is limitless in the ways it can manifest things in our lives. We create through our thoughts and feelings, but quite often, we block positive manifestations with our own thoughts about how something can show up in our lives based on our current circumstances. For example, we might want to manifest a new car, but we limit the manifestation by working out when we can afford it or what we can afford. If we ask the universe “what would it take for an amazing car to show up my life?” and leave the question open, then we get out of the way and the universe is free to deliver us a car in creative ways that we haven’t even thought of. Remove the hows We can still have an idea what we would like to manifest and create, but without limiting how it can show up in our lives. That way, we leave it up to the infinite possibilities of the universe. In essence, by opening up a question, we get out of our own way. Once we ask the question, then we can just wait and see what shows up. Start your day with a question When we start our day with a question, we are opening up to the flow of the universe. The aim is not to find the answers to the questions, but rather to leave them as the open ended questions that they are. A few suggestions for questions to start your day are listed below:
- What amazing joy of life can I be, see and receive today?
- What glorious adventures can I experience today?
- What joy and abundance can I be, see and receive today?
- How does it get any better than this?
- What else is possible?
- What’s right with this that I’m not getting?
- What have I decided that I cannot change?
- What else is possible here that I haven’t even considered?
- How could this turn out better than anything I could have ever imagined or planned?
- What would it take for………… to show up in my life?
- What energy, space and consciousness can I be that would allow me to… (Find the perfect home/job/partner/generate more money) … to show up in my life?