By Wendy Stokes
Wendy provides a monthly reading for you using assorted tarot decks
The first card for October is from Reiki Techniques Card Deck by Bronwen and Frans Stiene. It is titled ‘Knowledge’ and contains a Guided Meditation which has been adapted to create a non-traditional Reiki meditation and suggests a 5-step method:
- Sit with your eyes closed and imagine you are engulfed by Reiki and divine light.
- You see a figure coming towards you through this light. As the figure of your Reiki guide draws closer, you gain a clearer image.
- You ask a simple question and take the hand of this spirit guide in yours.
- You feel their energy and you ask for a message.
- Thank the guide, and know they will always be with you.
Next is from Journey to the Goddess Realm Oracle Deck by Lisa Porter and is the card of discernment, titled ‘Blodeuwedd’. This Welsh maiden goddess has a name that means ‘flowers, blossoms and flower face’. She is beautiful and youthful, and while her husband was away on business, she had an affair. When her husband returned, she was turned into an owl which cautions you to not deceive yourself, as the world will mirror the deception back to you. This card is a passage from a youthful mind to a more mature one. It highlights milestones of learning and understanding and informs about betrayal of and by others.
The third card is Lynx from Power Animal Oracle Cards by Steven D Farmer. This is also a card of discernment and inner vision, entirely randomly chosen. The card tells us to ‘look beyond immediate appearances because you are missing something by focusing on the outer appearance. It is time to use a more softer focus to discover what is less obvious and less apparent. There is more to this story! It suggests getting away from your usual surroundings, and be still enough to detect your heartbeat and breathing. Be aware of the rhythms around you. Observe without judgement. Develop an ability to look for and discover deeper truths.
The last card chosen is from Whispers of Love by Angela Hartfield and is titled ‘Appreciate this Moment’, as each and every situation is an opportunity to grow as a person, to be loved and find love. It is numbered 33 and shows a woman of the deep, surrounded with sea weed, with sea shells and coral in her hair and is scrying with the mother of pearl of a giant sea shell. The card describes challenging circumstances, sometimes they do not make any sense at all. But you must face the reality of the situation, and learn the difficult lessons that are being taught. You are instructed to ask the angels to show you what is important.
About Wendy Stokes:
Wendy Stokes is a counselor, workshop facilitator and feature writer. Read her blogs, visit her YouTube channel, and join her on Facebook! All links are on her website: