Have you ever thought that you really want something in your life, but you seem to keep getting the opposite? Or found that the same repeat patterns keep happening in your life and wondered why? Would you like to break those patterns and create more peace, ease and joy instead of fear, drama and struggle?
You don’t need to go on any special courses to learn how to co-create; the truth is that we are all creating our reality 100% of the time. We just need become aware that we are so that we can learn how to create what we want, instead of what we don’t want. Now, especially with all the current changes happening on and around our planet for 2012 and beyond, it is more important than ever for each person to realise that we are ALL powerful manifestor’s, who are co creating our reality 100% of the time. As we realise this, we can take more responsibility for our lives and for the future of our planet, to create what we really want and shift our focus from lack, struggle, fear and drama to create peace, health, happiness and abundance for all.
The law of attraction is at work 100% of the time. Literally whatever we focus on (think, believe and feel) we create and bring closer to us into your lives. Then using the spoken word and writing things down reinforces those manifestations even stronger. Have you ever caught yourself always talking about a certain area of your life in the same way, for example saying things like “I never have enough time or money.” If so, then you have been reinforcing creating more of that situation by talking about it. As you start to become aware of what you think and say, you can CHOOSE to change it to something more positive. If you knew that your thoughts, words and actions created your reality, would you choose the same thoughts, words and behaviours as you had yesterday, last week or last year? Or would you change them to be more positive? We are not our thoughts, we have thoughts and we can choose to change them.
Using your imagination is a very powerful way to create what you want. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagined, so it is much beneficial to utilise this power to create what you want, rather than what you don’t want. When you relax and focus on something with all your senses as if you already have it in your life, this sends powerful messages to your subconscious and the universe to bring it into being. Even 5-10 minutes a day can be very effective.
The universe responds to our words, thoughts and feelings, so even if you spend 5 minutes a day imaging having abundance or love, if you spend the rest of your day regularly thinking that you can’t afford something and worrying about money or feeling unloved then that is what you will get more of. If you spend a lot of your time waiting for Mr or Mrs Right, then that is what you will get, more waiting. The universe will create whatever you focus on, so if may spend a lot of time focussed on what you don’t want, you will get what you don’t want. As you focus your thoughts more often on what you DO want, you will start to create more of that.
So why do we get the opposite results to what we want sometimes? Over 90% of our thoughts and beliefs are unconscious, but these are the programmes that are creating the results you see in your life every moment. Many times you discover that your unconscious thoughts and beliefs are the opposite of what you are saying and thinking on a conscious level. For example you may consciously want to have more money, but you have the unconscious programming that money is bad or wonder why your life is always filled with dramas when you want calm, however you may have an unconscious belief that life is a struggle and so that is what manifests in your life. These thoughts and beliefs can limit your health & happiness. But you have the power to change your thoughts and your beliefs to ones that support your happiness.
Why do we have repeat patterns in our lives? This can be from our thoughts and beliefs. For instance, you may want a lasting relationship, yet hold the belief subconsciously that you don’t deserve to be loved or happy, so this belief will create this reality by always attracting relationships that don’t work to reflect your beliefs. Once you are aware of this, you have the POWER to change it to something that supports your happiness. The other reason for repeat patterns is when something is unresolved or old hurt/fear is left stored in your system from a past event, then you will keep creating similar situations to give yourself an opportunity to resolve and release the original upset. So it is not that the universe is working against you, in fact your mind, body and the universe are always working for your highest and best to help you change and release anything that doesn’t serve your happiness. This is because to have true balance, happiness, peace, ease and inner joy, anything that is NOT these qualities, which is held in your system needs to be released.
As well as creating our own realities individually, we create our reality with group thoughts. The last few thousand years have had a theme of fear, struggle and the need to rule and conquer and control in many cultures and for the planet, with many resources being drained. The planet and humanity literally cannot sustain this old way of thinking anymore. As we all focus on more peace, health, balance and happiness within ourselves individually, we are also creating more of that for the planet and humanity, collectively.
Fear and relaxation cannot co-exist within the body in the same moment. The more regularly we focus on feeling relaxed, the more positive results you will start to create. Any area of your life that causes any of your body to feel at all tense or tight is an indicator that you are holding some tension, limiting beliefs or negative thoughts in that area. This can be released in many different ways to create more balance and peace in your mind and body.
We live in such an exciting time, with so many amazing new therapies and techniques which can help you to ‘dissolve and resolve’ limiting beliefs and old hurts and fears from your system and create powerful lasting changes in your life. I work with many techniques including Theta DNA™ Healing, EFT and NLP, which can really help to shift areas that have seemed ‘stuck’ before and move to new levels of peace and happiness. Theta DNA™ Healing is a powerful healing technique that allows you to identify limiting beliefs and instantly replace them with ones that support your happiness. EFT & NLP work with simple, powerful and effective techniques to dissolve and resolve anything negative from your system. All these techniques give you the tools you need to become free from fears, phobias, trauma or anything that impacts the quality of your life and they allow you to move forward in your life with confidence, balance and joy.
So how can you embrace this power NOW?
• Start to notice and become aware of your language, repeat thoughts and life patterns.
• CHOOSE new more positive thoughts, words and actions that support your happiness.
• Delete negativity from your environment.
• Spend more time thinking about what you really want, regularly daydream what it would look like, how you would feel if you already had this in your life?
• Avoid thinking about what you don’t want.
• Develop the attitude of gratitude, the more time you spend being grateful for what you already have, the more you will create things to be grateful for.
• Get really specific with what you would like to create.
• Spend more time relaxing, even 3 deeps breaths an hour, makes a world of difference
• Surround yourself and your life with things that inspire you and make you feel good.