How many times do you keep going back to an ex before you realize it is time to move on?
This channeled message is from the archives of our channel sessions with Gaia. Interestingly enough, even though this message of loving unconditionally was channeled in August of 2013, the message is still very relevant today. There is also a very special energy that comes forward during this session named “Crusty” (C), he was and still […]
The cosmos is in a cardinal relationship with justice. By Cheryl Atim Alexander When the human beings inhabiting planet earth treat each other with compassion, equality and integrity, while extending such regard to all living entities, the world can enjoy relative equilibrium. Hence, the intentional practice of natural virtue begets a harmonious living environment. When we operate […]
The gift of Clairsentience can seem like a curse when it appears, either at birth or later in life. But there are many ways to harness it, making it the gift that it truly is. Ascension Tips: Clairsentience is a feeling inside or outside of your body. On the outside of your body, you can […]
Each of us is connected with the Divine, in fact, the connection is there at all times, and yet, it is our choice whether to experience that soul connection. Share One Unlimited Love The Spirit within us transcends the understanding of the five-sensory reality and when we allow it, the Soul can open us to intuition, […]
Are You Working on Raising Your Vibrational Frequency? By Bonnie Jean Knill One of the hottest phrases today is “Raising Your Vibrational Frequency” and that is because we know we are ascending and we want to align so that we are working in unison to shift with the tide of love that is saturating our planet […]
When we have spiritual and ethical morals we will see the world change […]
About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.