Greetings Dear friends and welcome! This month I would like to delve into the subject of Consciousness. If you don’t mind, I’ll ramble on a bit to set up my thoughts but in the end it will all make sense.
First, I’ll give a small bit of information about myself. Several years ago I stated to my “Team” that I wanted to know the secrets of the universe and I would do whatever it takes to uncover them. Next, I set my self on a journey to discover the origin of consciousness. Looking back, I see how these plans have occupied a huge amount of my life, conscious and unconscious. When I’m awake, my mind spins to ponder every angle. At times, I seem anti-social because I have a need to be alone to think. When I sleep, I rest, often leaving my body to play and relax, but at times I work in the densities and dimensions above the third. The result of all this pondering is that I’m frequently evaluating my position in the ALL of creation. I wonder how I fit in and how am I connected to all other forms of consciousness. And indeed, what exactly is conscious and what isn’t. What has life and what merely exists? If everything has consciousness, is everything aware of its consciousness?
I know what you’re thinking…” He sure would make a boring party guest.” That may be true but these are the ideas that spin through my mind quite a bit these days. Now I have to preface my argument by saying that as a mortal there must be a great deal of mystery that will remain without me ever having more than a very basic understanding of the forces that shape the structure of consciousness. The best any of us can do is to figure things out to a certain degree that makes sense to our own realities. So, let’s examine my conclusions, shall we?
First, how did consciousness come to be? The students of the ancient Greek Hermes were taught that the ALL meditated deeply on all that it wished to create and in rousing from its dream the process of creating was set in motion. One may say the first of these manifestations was consciousness. From here all things disseminated from the highest vibrational energies to the lowest. Or it may be said to the highest state of consciousness to the lowest. This would show us that all entities, energies, and matter contain the same consciousness. Now, since a rock and an ascended master were both created from the same conscious energy, they both may be considered to have consciousness, but the difference between them is in the degree to which they are aware of their consciousness. It is here where we see the two are connected and not separate. They both contain the same energy of consciousness but their awareness could be said to be at polar opposites of each other. The awareness that either has of itself is simply a hash mark at a different location on the same scale. You may liken this to the temperature of water. At one end of the scale the water is boiling, at the other end, it is frozen. Both forms are considered to have temperature but they are at polar opposites of each other on the same scale.
My personal feeling about humanity is that we all are waking up to realize ourselves as conscious beings. To what degree we are awakening depends on the individual but still we really are moving forward and who or what we consider conscious varies.
For instance, my beautiful wife Lisa is a very gifted psychic-medium. When we first met I thought that a log laying on the ground was just a dead and inanimate object. I would simply step over it and be on my way. However, Lisa has the ability to tap into the energy of such an object and perceive that it indeed is teaming with consciousness and with a certain awareness of itself as an integral player in the universe. She feels its commitment as a giver of life to the zillions of bugs, funguses, and bacteria that are thriving on its decaying body. She will often request that an insect turn itself for a better photo and more times than not, the creature will lovingly comply. Observing these interactions has had a profound effect on me. I wonder about the consciousness and free will of not only people and animals but of trees and flowers and rocks. A flower is living and growing, so do I really have the right to pick it and put it on display in my living room, or would it rather play out its life in the world it has created for itself? When I’m walking on the beach, I have the power to pick up a stone and chuck it into the sea, but is that the journey the stone has chosen for itself? Maybe it spent the last fifty thousand years trying to make it to the shore, or maybe it’s trying to reach the sea. I just don’t know, but I do feel that if I don’t understand its wishes I would do well to leave it alone to proceed on its divine journey.
Now, there may be a few folks reading this who are thinking, “Oh boy! What a flake! I’ll bet he’s a tree-hugger too!” Well… you’re right. I am. I don’t do it often but there is a big beautiful white oak in the back yard that brings tears of joy every time I embrace its ancient trunk, and if you’re reading this article I’m willing to bet that you’re sort of weird like me also. I’m sure you, too, have felt the love pouring out of your family pet. And if you have ever stared into the eye of a horse you can feel the soul and consciousness staring back at you.
The reason I wanted to express my feelings about all of this is so other people may be compelled to reevaluate what they feel is conscious, what is alive, and what deserves our respect because it, too, is a divine aspect of Creator. Does a creature’s ability to think make it more deserving of respect than a creature with no thought? Is it okay to kill a snake because we feel it’s repulsive, but try to save a whale because of its majesty? I’m reminded of an event several months ago when a dentist from the U.S. shot and killed an old but beloved African lion. The internet and Facebook was alive with an outpouring of distain for this man. This set me to wondering how many of these people felt compassion for an old lion, but thought nothing of sending a mouse or mosquito to its maker. Where on the scale of consciousness is the hash mark that denotes when an object or animal is worthy of life and where is the point below where it is okay to snuff it out? I know how I feel about it but what do you think? I promise I’m not judging anyone for the way they feel. Each one of us individually are also somewhere on the scale of consciousness. Where our hash mark is will signify how we perceive the world around us. It’s all good. If I could be granted a request it would be for each and every one of us to play our part as we see fit and allow others to play their part as well without judgement. I don’t want to force my opinions on anyone against their free will and I don’t want the opinions and actions of others forced upon me. And while I’m at it, I’ll think of the free will of that stone on the sand… and I’ll let it be.
For now, be well, and keep your hash mark high! Patrick