From the photograph, I can tell that Julie has very high energy. She is very aware of her health and I can see her doing yoga, pilates, and meditation. I believe that she has a bubbly personality and tends to be a very positive person. From reading this photo, I am getting that Julie is an outdoorsy person. I believe she enjoys sports and I’m seeing her swimming, walking, and running. She feels refreshed and reinvigorated being able to go outside and breathe in the fresh air. Julie is a very loving mother and wants to do everything she can for her children. She loves to read and I believe she craves learning. She’s got a spiritual side and is aware of energies around her. I believe she’s a very “hands on” mom. She wants the very best for her family and children. I think Julie has a perfectionist type personality. She’s very social and is a member of different organizations. I believe she is involved in fundraising for different causes. I’m seeing that she lost someone very special in her life – a female figure. This person is a presence in her daily life. QUESTIONS 1. Do I connect all of my family members on Earth? Why do I feel that this is my job? ~ Yes, I believe you do. You are a very fair and just person. Sometimes you feel are in the role of peacemaker. 2. I have a twin brother, Larry, is he going to be ok? ~ I think your brother, Larry, has isolated himself from the rest of your family. I don’t think he feel truly accepted and tends to lash out because of this. I think some counseling, possibly inpatient, would greatly benefit Larry. His life may turn around with this help. 3. Are any of my children past members of my family who went to the other side? ~ I think your daughter may be the reincarnation of a great grandmother… 4. What is the main goal of this life? Should I start my own business? ~ Main goal – to help others. I got the words “child psychology”. Private practice? Yes, I think it will be successful and bring you a great sense of accomplishment. Comment from Julie: Thank you so much! You are correct! I always thought that my daughter was my great grandmother spirit! I love Pilates! Being outdoors and I do fundraising for our AZ Cancer Center! Thanks again. God bless. If you would like to have a free photo reading to be published in my monthly column – please send up to 4 photos of yourself or a loved one and up to 5 questions if you’d like to: Remember – this reading could be a psychic photo reading (for someone still in body) or a mediumship photo reading (for someone that has passed on). Blessings, Kristen Leona]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.