I believe that everyone is capable of developing their ability to connect to this aspect of psychic energy and become a psychic artist. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be a trained artist in order to produce psychic art. Indeed, having formal training in art may well ‘get in the way’ of your ability to connect naturally with this energy.
To create psychic art you need to step into ‘the flow’ of your natural creative energy. Psychic art is about utilising the artistic or right side of your brain, and thinking ‘outside the box.’ I find that putting some upbeat music on is helpful for getting in to the zone.
So what types of psychic art are there? There are many, including: automatic writing, inspirational writing, auragraph, healing art, spirit portraiture (people & animals), angelic art, elemental art, spirit guides, healing mandala’s, soul energy and personal power symbols for soul connection and progression.
These are the ways that I experience some of the energies that I work with; however, the experience of connecting to each of them may be very different for you.
Angelic energy is light, but has strength; fairy energy is lighter and playful. The energy of those who have passed over feels denser than angelic energy. This energy nearly always comes through with a strong emotional connection. A spirit guide’s energy will vary dependant on the guide, its work, and the connection level.
Whatever energy it is that I connect with comes through quickly and transfers to canvas or paper at a fast pace. I never know where the starting point will occur or what the whole representation of the energy will be until it is finished. If I start to think too much about the picture that is manifesting, I get in the way, lose the energy, and have to re-connect again.
You can use any medium that you desire to produce psychic art. The secret is to have everything ready before you begin. I work with watercolours, acrylics, pastels, different materials, glitter (lots of this), crystals, glue and other craft materials. I have no rules; I often mix any combination of these mediums in one piece of artwork.
I work intuitively, naturally dowsing or feeling the required colours, the materials needed and what effect it may have. It is an exhilarating feeling and creates a fantastic energy in the room.
Spirit portraiture is best produced with pastels; angelic energy looks particularly beautiful combining watercolours, glitter and pastels.
Perception is the key and psychic art is all about extending the boundaries. I have personally experienced so many ‘Aha’ moments whilst developing this skill. I have learnt to look beyond that which I can see and to experience every moment in a unique way.
The first time I attended a psychic art retreat, it turned out to be one of those wonderful turning points in life. I experienced many ‘Aha!’ moments during the retreat and learnt to connect with some amazing energies. I constantly challenged myself to let go and have fun without expectation. More importantly, I learnt that there is no wrong way to produce psychic art and that I had in fact already been connecting and producing some of this in the past. Now, through my teaching of this subject, I am lucky enough to witness many others also experience these moments.
Over the coming months we will explore the many forms that Psychic Art can take. My aim is to assist you to make those ‘Aha’ moments part of your daily adventure along your spiritual path. Each month I will provide you with an exercise to aid development of these skills.
January’s exercise is about creating the energy you wish for in 2012. Decide on a statement that focuses your intent.
•Take a large piece of paper and write your statement.
•Relax and channel the energy of this intent on to the paper using whatever art materials you wish.
•Aim to create a mandala for manifesting the energy you wish for the year.
•Keep the finished mandala on display, to assist it in generate this energy throughout the year.
Here is the Mandala for Angel Energies that I channelled. It has progressed over the years and started out very different but the same colours. The affirmation I use for the energy of the mandala is ‘Angel Energies for empowering myself and others.’ It has always been Purple for the energy of my Angelic guide, the diamond symbol in the middle is my personal soul energy/colours and the orange heart is the empowerment colour. I still have the original mandala and a further progression one. The current one is the focused energy that has developed through my work with spirit over the last few years.
I would love to hear how you are getting on so please e-mail.