The Rich, the Famous, and the Infamous… Find out what your favorite celebrity is up to. 3 Old Gits… So those Old Gits from Top Gear have announced their ‘NEW’ show. It’s called the “Grand Tour.” How very Victorian of them. It’s going to be on Amazon, but still a flop. Returned from Beyond… Star of 24, Kiefer Sutherland is about to return to your TV screens. This time with a fabulous promotion. He’s going to be the next President on the small screen. I smell a runaway hit. GOOD… Oh the FIBS… So Janet Jackson and her Hubby Wissam Al Mana are claiming that they are pregnant with her 1st child. (HA HA). Odd, this really when she was planning a World Tour then oops, she’s pregnant. Yeah right. BAD TICKET SALES ARE THE REAL REASON. I wonder how they are going to explain the non-appearance of the ‘BABY?’ We already knew ZAC… Pretty Boy Zac Efron, actor, has finally admitted that he and ‘Girlfriend’ Sami Miro are quits after two years of dating. (Not that we didn’t know that here ha ha) Odd though, as I thought he’d been single all along. Well, no doubt, his handlers will have a Girlfriend lined up for him. Let’s hope this one can act, at least in public. Fun & Games… So we can now reveal by Blac Chyna herself that she and Tyga made a sex tape. How do we know this? Well the famewhore talentless rapper/singer is planning to set the dogs, (LAWYERS) on anyone who publishes said tape. I can’t wait. I hear that the producers of said tape are suggesting that the Tape/DVD/Downlow comes with a free Magnifying glass, so as to see all his details. Could work… Rylan Clark-Neal, the camp can’t sing, singer from UK X Factor has been given his own talk show which if the powers that be give it a chance, it’ll work. He’s also in the new AbFab movie as an airline steward. Dare I say type casting?? Swanky, but deadly… So this is the swanky/posh restaurant, French of course, called Coq D’Agent. It has just had it 6th suicide in as many years. Would you think they’d do something to stop this? All they need do is have it Exorcised, as well as blessed, otherwise things will just go from bad to worse. If they were to check the history of the building/site they would find the answer. CLUE, it’s in the 1700’s. All about the money… As Michael Strahan stabs Kelly Ripa in the back, along with his bosses, if he thinks doing this is going to make his career, WRONG. In fact, the very opposite… The ‘ONE’… Ricky Martin has a new beau, an Artist named Jwan Yosef, Syrian born, raised in Sweden, lives in London. This is the one. I thought he’d died… Convicted abuser and rapper Chris Brown has a new project. A documentary about himself, (Of Course) called, “Welcome to My Life.” He made it himself, I can’t wait. FLOP…. Would you like me to give you the “Psychic Gossip” on your favourite Celebrity? Just email me at: Then watch for their “Psychic Gossip” to appear here. Views:]]>
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