Find out what your favorite celebrities are up to! So Sarah “Trailer Park” Palin’s latest PR stunt was to get involved in a bar brawl. No surprise there. But, we are going to be surprised with her thinking to run again, and of course, loose again. In 2016. I think she should, great for Hilary, ha ha…. So the rumour mills are saying that Pop singer, Ellie Goulding is dating HRH Prince Harry. Ha Ha Ha… REALLY. She’s being paid to perform at his birthday bash. Can you imagine HRH Lilliebet, signing off on this…? So many of you are asking in the comment section for other predictions about this.. Robert Pattinson dating some Pop Singer called “Twigs.” Seems they were spotted holding hands in Venice Beach. (Just up the road for from me) Anyway… Some of you have also reminded me that I predicted that Robbie Boy would this year meet the “ONE.” True I did. I still do. Just not this one. This is another PR event. If you remember, I also said that the ‘one’ wouldn’t be in the public eye, more behind the scenes. Before you write to tell me why he would do this, it’s not what he wants, it’s what his “PR” team says. What the “PR” team says, goes. That’s why it’s called “SHOWBUSINESS.” So Colin Farrell is to join HBO’s “True Detective.” Well, that’s great news. Bigger ratings, bigger audience… FABULOUS… But still too scary for me to watch. I do hope the powers that be have a good back up plan in regard to the bombing of Isis in Syria. What they are doing is akin to poking a hornet’s nest with a stick. There is way worse to come outside of Isis… Outside of Syria… Seems LeAnn Rimes doesn’t want to believe that Eddie is cheating. WELL HE IS… She’ll heading for the courts soon… Actor Sam Worthington needs to take stock of his life before he slips so far he won’t be able to get back up… Matt Damon needs to change his ways or he’s about to lose his squeaky clean cut image. There’s a PR nightmare ahead. Super Diva Ariana Grande really need to start behaving herself. Otherwise, she’ll lose everything she has been given. Perhaps a parent could step in… Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.