Find out what your favorite celebrities are up to with celebrity psychic Christian Dion. Actress Zoe Sladana is about to portray singer, Nina Simone in the upcoming biopic movie. Now, although I feel the movie itself will catch some flack, her performance will be a hit. Aussie Olympic super star swimmer Ian Thorpe needs to get rid of this latest boyfriend pronto or there will be major problems. Ryan Channing and his rat pack gang of wannabe’s are bad news. Ryan is already planning a tell all. Ian you can do much better than this arsehole. So wait till the public gets wind of this. The GOP ticket for the Whitehouse: Donald “Babyfart” Trump and Ann “Hateful Bitch” Coulter… So Rob Kardashian has confirmed that he is dating Blac Chyna (Whoever she is). She is clearly a money grabbing fame whore. Not that Rob and his family are any less. In a way, they all deserve each other. But, I get the feeling that she will be the push over the cliff that he won’t be able to climb back from. (His mother must be spitting blood…) No surprise that Scott “IsDick” Disick is back to drinking. Personally, I don’t think he ever stopped. But, which is true, I don’t think this time he’ll get past this. Downward… Here’s something to upset the GOP right wingers. When Hilary Clinton is back in the Whitehouse, she’ll declassify the UFO files. I can’t wait. If you think Trump is getting them going, wait till this happens. As Donald “Babyfart” Trump surges in the polls he is in real danger of winning the nomination. (Then some nut job NRA will knock him off) But he won’t get the keys to the Whitehouse. I can’t wait till the news, re: his support to/from the KKK becomes known. Just when you thought the coast was clear, Lindsay Lohan, 29 years old, reappears. This time she’s dating a Russian born London based Estate Agent, 22yr old Egor Tarasov. Well, it’s one way of getting a discount on a flat, ha ha. Let’s see, won’t get to the fall. B List Actor with A list friends, Kristopher Winters, is, if he isn’t careful, about to put his foot in his mouth big time. He needs to stop gossiping to people about private things or he’ll be looking for new housing with a not as good view. Actor Tom Hiddleston, a Brit, is really on a career high, and there’s a lot more good things to come from him in the next few years. But on the personal side, things are a little darker. Damn that Hollywood curse. Dancing With The Stars pro Kim Johnson is engaged to DWTS celeb and Shark Tank Judge, Robert Herjavec. The multi-millionaire met Kim while they were partners on the show. As much as I would like to say this will last, it won’t… Just like a season of DWTS. For F**Ks sake. UK XFactor judge Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, 32, and One Directions’ Liam Payne, 22, are reportedly dating. While I get back up from the floor, is there nothing this silly woman won’t do? Apparently not… Won’t see Xmas. Views:]]>
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