Fire Is it getting hot in here? Do you feel like you are playing with fire? Are you ready to set the world on fire? Are you feeling passionate? In any case, fire suggests, or demands that we understand things are heating up. Whether it’s sensuality in the bedroom with a partner (or by yourself!), or with your career, things are definitely smoldering! You are hot, baby! If you are wondering about a relationship, fire indicates things are hot, but if you’re not careful, you can get burned. Fire that is out of control can indicate that there’s something that is consuming you, or that is destructive in your life. Do you see this image as wild and crazy? Is it in a good way or in an all-consuming way? Fire also makes room for rebirth as it clears out any old energy. This can suggest new passion coming your way! Whether it’s in relationships, your career, or life in general, things are getting hot. If you feel like you are being “fired at” it may be time to take a step back and look at what is burning you. But, allow yourself to take risks, and follow your passions, as these can lead to great success! If you picked this image it might mean it’s time to let your desires come to the surface and go for what you want! You can set the world aflame! ~Manifestation Affirmation~ I am HOT! Couple Are you ready for romance? Are you drawn to the idea of being in love? Is it the relationship you seek? Are you attracted to their beauty? Does the idea of being part of a loving couple make you feel happy? Whether you are in a relationship or looking for one, this image is stirring up a yearning inside you to be connected in an intimate, exciting way with someone else. No matter if it is because you are looking for love or you are experiencing it currently, this image may suggest a desire for happiness. It might also intimate that you desire a connection to someone, specifically a partner, where you can be free to express who you are and who you want to be. If you picked this image it may be because you need to feel cherished and loved and even sexy. It may also suggest it’s time to spice up your relationship and inject it with some fun, sensuality, and excitement. If you’ve selected this image it is an indication that no matter where you are in life, no matter what your age, you deserve to be nurtured and loved on a soul level and you are ready to do the same for your perfect partner! Romance is on the horizon and this Valentine’s Day may be your best one, yet! Allow your passion to be free! ~Manifestation Affirmation~ I am pure love! Vision Board Are you looking forward to what you want? Are you ready to create your year ahead? Do you believe you can manifest what you need as well as what you want in your life? Are you ready to be the best you you can be? This vision board suggests you are open to bringing in positivity in the year to come! If you’ve picked this image it suggests a willingness to love yourself. It means you want to be happy and you have a vision of success. It also suggests you are ready to make some changes in your life that can create the space necessary to bring all the goodness in. Whether it’s with a new partner or a current one, you are looking to become a better version of yourself and need someone who is not just along for the ride, but can also be open to both your and their successes and who wants to share them with you! This image suggests you are about to embark on making way for a new and brighter version of you. If you are able to share this with someone you love, it’s all the better! But, this is for you! You deserve to be not just content but blown away by your own joy. Revel in it, the year to come has only just begun and the passion and energy you put into it is entirely up to you! You are ready and capable and can now begin to manifest all of your desires! ~Manifestation Affirmation~ I manifest my desires and visualize my life to come! Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.