Is the world bright around you? You are surrounded by warmth and innocence. The delights of childhood can be yours presently. Your intuition is as powerful as the sun and tuning into it now will brighten your week. Those around you will prove reliable and cheerful. You shine as the center of attention; it’s time to take your place in the sun! Be sure to spread your own sunshine as keeping too much sun to yourself can cause you to overheat and burn. Spread your warmth—people will appreciate you even more!
Egyptian Ankh
Do you believe life goes on? This“god staff ”, commonly seen buried with pharaohs is believed to promise everlasting life or life after death. It can also be referred to as the symbol for future life or the continuation of life after physical death. If you picked this picture it may mean your life will go on, as it represents mortality or spiritual immortality in that life goes on in a spiritual plane of existence. This picture may also signify fertility, pregnancy, or the sexual union between male and female. The ankh may suggest you are lucky and have a zest for life—appreciate it! Are you thinking of taking a trip? This staff may indicate someone from Egypt or travel to or from Egypt.
New York City
Are you attracted to organized chaos? Do you enjoy being in the middle of the action? If you picked this picture it may suggest you want to be in the center of something big or important. Do you need to get away? New York might be the trip for you. Does this image evoke thoughts of fun and excitement? Great! That’s what you’ll get here! New York is a melting pot that will welcome you with open arms, however, your individuality may get lost in the shuffle. If you are hoping for new opportunities, you’ve chosen the right picture. But, remember, there are many dark and unknown things around the corner. You may need to be on full alert during the next few months.]]>
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About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.