Even though I’ve met some wonderful people during my life, there are a handful I wish I’d met – people I wish I could have helped. One of those people is Elvis Presley. I came close to having him as a client, and I’ve had the pleasure of contacting him in spirit since his passing. In 1975, Country singer Dottie West and I were dining together one evening in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, after a taping of “The Tommy Banks Show”, a popular Canadian television program. Dottie told me her friend Elvis Presley was very spiritual and had been following my career, She said he wanted very much to have a private psychic reading with me. “Why don’t you call him, Kenny?” she asked. I’ve always made it a policy not to “solicit” business from private clients – they need to contact me, to make the effort and take the initiative. It shows that they really want the guidance from spirit. I told Dottie, “I’m listed in the phone book, or you can feel free to give him my number.” I told her that if Elvis wanted a reading I would of course be available. “But he needs to take the first step toward helping himself by picking up that telephone. Once I know he is truly eager to help himself, I’ll be more than happy to work with him,” I assured her. I asked Dottie to try to impress upon him how important reaching out could be. “If you have a stomachache or a toothache, you don’t wait for the doctor or dentist to call you and suggest treatment, do you?” I asked. “You call the doctor’s office and set up an appointment. Then, once you go, they do everything they can to help you. It’s the same way with a psychic – reach out and you’re on your way toward being helped.” Dottie listened carefully as we finished our meal and said, “I’ll tell Elvis, Kenny. I hope he’ll call you.” The rest of 1975 and most of 1976 went by without a call from Elvis. He performed several times in Las Vegas and I made a number of attempts to see him in concert, but each time had to cancel my reservations due to a change in my plans. Finally, for what was to be his last Las Vegas appearance, at the Hilton hotel in late 1976, I made reservations and was able to keep them. I arrived outside the Hilton and glanced at Elvis’s name in huge brightly-lit letters on the marquee. Despite this, I psychically saw a dark cloud over his name. I asked my spirits what this meant but there was only silence. I proceeded to the main showroom but was running a bit late. The maitre d’ started to walk me to my table but the lights dimmed and “the King” walked out on stage. I saw the dark cloud again. “I can’t go down any closer to the stage” I whispered. The maitre d’ asked me what was wrong and I told him I felt a great heaviness and needed to go toward the exit. “Oh, please, Dr. Kingston”, he said, “if it’s about Elvis, can’t you help him?” I told him I would help him, but from a distance. I was beginning to feel faint and knew a thin sheen of perspiration was covering my forehead. I said, “Let me stand back here – I’ll do some prayer work for Elvis. Heaven knows the man needs it.” I saw a black aura around his body. The aura is a magnetic field which surrounds the body, reflecting our physical, mental and emotional states. Light colors represent positive traits and dark colors reflect negative. Black, needless to say, is the worst color of an aura. I tried again to send him energy and healing but my pulse became rapid and my stomach felt bloated. My heart felt so heavy that I thought I would break into tears. I knew that this, plus the faintness and perspiration, was something I was actually picking up from Elvis. My condition was psychically mimicking what he was feeling while gamely singing for the standing-room-only audience. I feared disaster in the future for this man and tried desperately to visualize him well and strong again. Ultimately, I felt compelled to leave the showroom and began walking through the casino toward my car. I trusted that Elvis had an entourage who would hopefully attend to his physical needs and knew that his spiritual condition was very personal. Again, he and he alone could decide when he needed and wanted help. In July of 1977 another country singer friend of mine, Loretta Lynn, was in Hollywood to tape an appearance on “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson. She called me and we chatted for some time. I told Loretta that I felt Elvis really needed help, hoping perhaps she could reach him in a way that Dottie had been unable to. “I know he needs help, Kenny,” she agreed. “I’ll try my best to get through to him,” she promised. “But Loretta,” I warned,” time is running out.” Again, it seems fate would have it that Elvis could not be reached, even by his friends. Finally, on August 4, 1977, I held my annual séance in memory of my client Marilyn Monroe’s passing. During the séance, Marilyn’s spirit sadly told me Elvis would be the next major celebrity to reach Paradise, within two weeks. Marilyn said she feared Elvis was giving up, in a sense. I called columnist James Bacon, who had often used stories I gave him for his nationally syndicated column. “I realize you won’t print this, Jim,” I told him, “but I have to tell someone.” I explained my feelings about Elvis and what had transpired at the séance. He said he’d see if he could think of anyone to reach Elvis and naturally withheld the information I gave him. Unfortunately, less than two weeks later, on August 16, Elvis Presley passed. Why didn’t I call Elvis after the séance? It had become obvious that he was choosing to refuse help. Again, I couldn’t directly solicit, since he didn’t request help from spirit. And at that point, what would I have said? I couldn’t tell him that I was afraid he was going to pass away, because the Master is always subject to change and people can rally and surprise everyone. I continued to pray for him following his passing and have been able to contact him in spirit a couple of times, since his soul has had time to rest. I’m pleased to say that he has been spending a great deal of time with his beloved mother Gladys and father Vernon. He is in excellent health and watching over daughter Lisa Marie. He has been concerned about Lisa Marie and her choices in men. I attended a birthday party for my attorney several years ago and among the guests was Priscilla Presley. She and I had a chance to chat and I gave her some messages from Elvis. He still loves her very much and this brought tears to her eyes. I also told her about Elvis watching over Lisa Marie and Priscilla was so grateful. She said she’d share the information with her dear daughter. So although I couldn’t help Elvis while he was on Earth, I feel that in some small way I was able to bring about a brief reunion and closure between Elvis and Priscilla, sending love to their daughter along the way.]]>
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About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.