Are You Working on Raising Your Vibrational Frequency?
By Bonnie Jean Knill
One of the hottest phrases today is “Raising Your Vibrational Frequency” and that is because we know we are ascending and we want to align so that we are working in unison to shift with the tide of love that is saturating our planet and isolating those places where hate and anger flourish.
If you are working on raising your vibrational frequency and want to have the greatest impact on our world today, you must stop and become self-centered. Set aside a portion of your day for quiet time, ground out the stress of the day, unite with Source and cherish the time you spend in meditation/prayer so that you align to the highest frequency that is filled with appreciation, amusement and love; for yourself and for your brothers and sisters on this planet who dance with you during this time and place in space.
After all, we are all One. What you do to yourself, you to do the whole of consciousness. You matter and so to do your actions. You matter and so to do your beliefs.
Raising your vibrational frequency shifts the tides of humanity
You matter and you can shift the tides of humanity through your conscious and subconscious thoughts and visualizations of what is possible, beliefs about how the world works and what you deserve, physical actions and in-actions that you take along your personal path, and those fueling feelings of either love or hate that spark manifestation into being.
Let’s look at your thoughts and visualizations. We know that thoughts become things ( and that we should choose the good ones. We know this from science as they have studies which show that thoughts can affect the health of physical reality.
An example of this is the experiment by Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan. According to The Mind Unleashed “He has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know? His experiments demonstrate that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, such as the molecular structure of water. Given that humans are comprised of at least 60% water, his discovery has far reaching implications…
In the rice experiment Emoto’s demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking.) Dr Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote “thank you” and on the other “you fool.” He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud every day when they passed them by. After 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.”
A Science That Explains How Your Thoughts & Experiences Affect Your DNA is an article that explains even more how our thoughts affect reality on the DNA level which is the construct of life as we know it in physical form.
“The field of epigenetics refers to the science that studies how the development, functioning and evolution of biological systems are influenced by forces operating outside the DNA sequence, including intracellular, environmental and energetic influences.”
The article goes on to say, “As the study of epigenetics expands, researchers are finding out a lot about our DNA and genetics that we previously didn’t know in the past. For one, we are realizing that we are not always a victim of our genes and that our experiences and thoughts/behavior can make an impact on our DNA.
HeartMath researchers have conducted experiments that illustrate that physical aspects of DNA strands can be influenced by human intention. The article, Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention – McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, 2003 – describes experiments that achieved such results.”
It was shown that if your heart is loving, you can change your DNA.
“In the experiment, an individual held three DNA samples and was directed to begin generating heart coherence. Heart coherence is referred to as a beneficial state of mental, emotional and physical balance and harmony. As they created heart coherence with the aid of a HeartMath technique that utilizes heart breathing and intentional positive emotions, the individual was able to successfully intentionally unwind two of the DNA samples to different extents and leave the third unchanged.
The results provide experimental evidence to support the hypothesis that aspects of the DNA molecule can be altered through intentionality,” the article states. “The data indicate that when individuals are in a heart-focused, loving state and in a more coherent mode of physiological functioning, they have a greater ability to alter the conformation of DNA.
Individuals capable of generating high ratios of heart coherence were able to alter DNA conformation according to their intention. … Control group participants showed low ratios of heart coherence and were unable to intentionally alter the conformation of DNA.”
To raise your vibrational frequency changes your physical reality.
With these results, it is important to understand that you are not a hapless victim but an empowered being who is capable of affecting your world through your thoughts. The more positive your thoughts and the more heart centered you are, the greater your ability to positively impact your world and the world around you.
You can change physical reality to match your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings for the better or the worse as you choose. If you choose negative thoughts the universe will give you negative experiences. If you choose positive thoughts the universe will give you positive experiences.
“The Universe is a short order cook” In the words of Corbie Mitleid who was a guest on the radio show The Empowerment Zone in which she discussed many different and informative topics including past life regression and past life retrieval and being a Cancer Dancer because she is a survivor and her mental outlook was a tool that helped her to heal.
The first step in raising your vibrational frequency is to become conscious of how powerful you are and to realize that you are capable of greatness. Either great love that builds beauty through the perception of peace, or great hate that destroys through the energy of anger and greed backed by jealousy and fear.
We are capable of greatness, but if you want to raise your vibrational frequency, then you want to shift so that you harness your ability to be love and thus to create beauty and peace in the world you live in.
The more people who work together in harmony, the greater the vibration will saturate into the web of your connections and align you to others who match your frequency. In doing so, you will join in the synergy of the movement to bring about the Spiritual Awakening in yourself and others that leads to Ascension mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
What does it mean to raise your vibrational frequency?
Think of a spectrum of feelings. On the dense end of the spectrum there is the thoughts, feelings, and actions that stem from fear, anger, worry, rage, jealousy, and hate. On the light end of the spectrum there is the thoughts, feelings, and actions of happiness, joy, amusement, love, and peace.
To raise your vibration frequency means to let go of the dense thoughts, feelings, and actions and to embrace the light thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
It isn’t complicated to raise your vibrational frequency since it is only a matter of choosing to think positively, act with positive intent, and to open your feelings to positive emotions. Our perception shapes our reality the more our thoughts and feelings build the matrix of our experiences through the workings of the energetic universe.
How do you raise your vibrational frequency?
We said that your thoughts, feelings, actions, and beliefs create your reality. In addition, thoughts, feelings, actions, and beliefs that are filled with amusement and love will raise your energy.
Going into prayer and meditation each day will help you achieve your goal of raising your vibrational frequency and emitting a signal that others can tune into and be guided by consciously or unconsciously as more people are seeking to ascend.
In addition, choosing thoughts that are positive will change your world; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually as the thought experiments have shown.
According to Frontiers in Psychology “Recent experimental studies show that emotions can have a significant effect on the way we think, decide, and solve problems.”
To raise your vibration your emotions must be positive in order to positively affect how you think and thus the world you live in.
To raise your vibration your actions must be positive in order to positively affect your brothers and sisters on the planet.
How do I raise the vibrational frequency of my brothers and sisters on this planet?
A simple way to raise the vibration of your brothers and sisters is to help them to ground when you see them practicing negatively dense thoughts, feelings, and emotions. If you are adept, you can put a grounding cord on them and drain that energy from them that no longer serves their highest good.
Another way to raise the vibration is to practice techniques that expand your energy field with love and to emit a vibration that is an energy of love and peace. Such techniques are meditation, prayer and conscious living.
Conscious living means to be aware of your actions and how they impact your environment and those beings that you come in contact with. Conscious living means to raise your spiritual vibration by existing in amusement and love and treating your brothers and sisters in such a way as to demonstrate that you are love and amusement. In other words, don’t take life too seriously. Let love flow from your being and infuse each experience with peace.
Touch the ones you love with your greatest gift through speaking kindly and compassionately, listening attentively, helping others in need, and giving how and when you can to support the freedom and peace of others who co-exist on this ever changing planet in which more beings are seeking to be the change they want to see.
Be conscious and be love. You will raise your vibrational frequency and that of the world around you.