Spirit hit me right between the eyes this month. I should have known it was coming, given that they are, after all, all-seeing and all-knowing. I had been slipping a bit in my spiritual practice, especially my meditation because of a busier than usual work and family schedule. I guess I kind of thought I was getting away with it and I would recommit when things let up a bit. Spirit had other ideas.
As many of you know, as a thank you to those who like my Facebook page, I send free distant energy to everyone on the page once a month. During the session, I ask Spirit to give me a message for the group and I post it the following day. Well, this month, the message felt very personal at the same time it was meant for the entire group.
Spirit asked us to reevaluate and reconnect with our spiritual practices. It seems some of us have slacked off on our practices and others are simply going through the motions.
Spirit desires for us to connect with them and use our practices to create a personal, direct connection to the Divine (or Source, God, Goddess, Creator, Intelligent Field—which ever word or conceptualization works best for you).
Take Stock
Spirits’ first suggestion was to take stock of our current practice. What does it entail? It might include: meditation, walks in nature, healing modalities/energy practices, connecting with your guides and angels, asking for assistance from Spirit, prayer, rituals, celebrations, contemplation, yoga, mindfulness, connecting with others, volunteering, reading ancient spiritual texts or current spiritual/self-help books or any number of other things.
It might be helpful to take a few moments and write down all the things that you consider part of your practice.
Reevaluate and Refine
Spirits’ next suggestion was to take a close look at each piece. Is it working? Has it lost its significance for you? Are you just going through the motions without truly feeling any closer to the Divine?
After looking at each piece, decide which pieces still hold value and which have perhaps out-lived their usefulness. Maybe you have grown beyond some practices. Tweak the ones that are still helpful.
Meditation has been a cornerstone of my practice since my awakening. I’ve always been able to fit it in no matter how busy I got, mostly because I meditated in the middle of the night. My brain and body were quietest then, so I felt the most connected. But with a change in schedule and the need to get up at 6 am, I started skipping meditation in favor of sleep. I always figured I’d get to it at another point, but never did. At first, I didn’t really think much of it, but after a while, I began to miss that special connection time with Spirit and my fill-up with Source. I guess Spirit decided to take the matter up with me and everyone, before any more time could go by through the monthly message.
Tools and props are not necessary—the beauty of our relationship with Source is that we can connect anywhere, anytime, with only ourselves—but if they serve as reminders or enhancers in some way, go ahead and use them. For instance, crystals can raise our vibration, making connection with Spirit easier and they can also increase our psychic abilities, or serve to calm us. The smell of incense can help to shift us into a more meditative state. Repetition or ritual can also help to shift our state of mind. For instance, when I’m at home, I sit on the same meditation pillow each time I meditate. It’s like my mind and body know instantly what they are supposed to do each time my bottom hits that pillow! Next month, I’ll share some tools I’ve been playing with to get me refocused on meditation.
Just remember not to become too reliant on the tools. Know that they are only there to assist, but in no way are necessary for you to connect. That connection is your birth-right.
Spirit then asked us to recommit to our spiritual practice and our journey toward the Divine. Schedule things in if you find that they are not happening without a specific time. Take time-wasters out of your schedule and slip in something that will focus you on your path. You will likely find that diligence on the path begins to produce positive changes in you that then happen without trying, like becoming more intuitive, living from your heart, being more calm and having less anger—just to name a few.
Remind yourself that healing and enlightenment are the soul’s goals in life—not the things that usually get in the way of our practice.
If you’d like to receive Wendy Joy’s monthly messages and free distant healing, join her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/wendyjoyauthor. Learn more about connecting with the Divine from her book, Clear Channel: A Guide for the Newly Awakening, available at www.wendyjoy.net.