Crystals provide the perfect solution to the effects of geopathic stress and electromagnetic stress.
Since the discovery of electricity we have been increasingly exposed to a wide range of powerful, artificially generated, electromagnetic radiation that adversely affects the Earth’s energy field and the human body. This sudden onslaught has been accompanied by an exponential rise in the ‘diseases of civilization’, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel, Parkinson’s and the like, all of which are now being shown to be consequences of electromagnetic sensitivity and geopathic tension. Since attending the Baden Medicine Fair in the 1990s, where electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and geopathic stress (GS) as a cause of dis-ease were regularly discussed, and speaking to researchers, healers and doctors working at the cutting edge of energy medicine today, I am well aware that EMFs can have a seriously detrimental effect on health, as may GS.
My book Crystal Prescriptions 3: crystal solutions to EMF and geopathic stress looks at this research in detail and at the measures we can take to protect ourselves and our earth.
So, why do we need protecting from what may be very weak electromagnetic fields but which, on occasion, may be distorted to as high as 250 Hz? Well, the correct functioning of our biological rhythms, cell metabolism, physiological state, and mental well-being depends on communication between the electrical system of our brain, body and endocrine system, and the weak electromagnetic and magnetic fields generated by the planet. Our bodies are full of magnetizable materials such as the iron in our blood. Life on Earth evolved against the natural electromagnetic field of the planet and so human beings are accustomed to living within its background oscillation at a frequency of around 7.83 Hz and can adapt to the slight fluctuations in the field created by electrical storms, magnetic irregularities and solar activity. However, larger fluctuations in electromagnetic and geopathic energy can be detrimental to the health of human beings. If your bed is located over a geopathic or underground water line, for instance, insomnia will be the most likely result. You will have difficulty in falling, and remaining, asleep. Waking between 2 and 3am is common as GS reaches a maximum at this time of the night, especially with a full moon. But other chronic health problems such as cancer may well arise. The most effective action you can take is to move: either to move the bed, a favourite chair and your desk, or, for the worst-case scenario, move house or change your office altogether. But, there are tools which may assist, crystals being among them.
I have been forced to find tools that protect me and my energy field both at home and when I am travelling. Crystals are the perfect energetic tool for me as they can be for you. They support a balanced and healthy bioenergy field and overcome subtle negative electromagnetic effects by superimposing harmonizing bio-resonance patterns upon the body’s or the planet’s electromagnetic field, returning it to homeostasis. However, it is essential to hold the intention that the beneficial field will be the stronger and will entrain the negative into harmony.
Getting grounded
One of the best tools for handling EMF and GS sensitivity is to get yourself grounded, in contact with the planet and completely earthed with your lower chakras fully functioning. So many people who suffer from excessive sensitivity have only a toehold in this incarnation, barely tolerating being in a physical body and always reaching ‘out there’ for the answer. So, make contact with the Earth, make a friend of your body, become comfortable in your incarnation and the detrimental effects will lessen significantly. How do you do this? Use crystals! Flint, Boji Stones, Hematite and Smoky Quartz are all excellent grounding stones, carry them with you or use them, and invaluable Shungite or Black Tourmaline to shield and block negative lines or sources of EMF pollution such as computers or mobile phones.
How do you recognize when you’re at risk
So, how do you recognize geopathically stressed areas or whether you are suffering from EMF sensitivity? Well apart from their noticeable effect on health and wellbeing in those who are sensitive, both can be dowsed for. You may feel it in the environment too. The energy is heavy and ‘sticky’. I always describe it as ‘walking through treacle’ but you may simply feel the need to open a window because you are yawning a lot and the air feels stale. Or you may notice that you feel distinctly worse after being in a particular place for any length of time. There are immediate pointers for GS. Trees tend to grow well on one side and noticeably less well on the other. The trunk will twist to get away from the stress. There may be a line of stunted growth through a crop. Animals – cats rather than dogs – are attracted to areas of geomagnetic stress and will often sleep on a toxic line with resultant diseases such as cancers, kidney or liver failure. Babies and young children tend to try to escape from geopathic lines, squidging up in a corner of their cot, toddlers and older children sleepwalk or climb into their parents’ bed to escape from the effects. If the parents’ bed is on the line they themselves may well sleep at an angle to avoid it and will suffer from insomnia and restlessness. Older children exhibit behavioural problems and constant low-level illnesses, as may the adults.
If you see a dead or dying tree leaning at an angle and covered in ivy, a mass of ants and bees or termites, and a line of stunted growth through crops or trees that flower but do not bear fruit, and a crack on a building, aligned with an area of quarrying or other earth disturbance, a high water table or an underground watercourse or metal pipes, and the inhabitants of that building are diseased or chronically sick, or a combination of the above, then you can be pretty certain that the building is sitting on a geopathic stress line. Also, do bear in mind that GS is being created all the time. If you live in a city, or elsewhere, that has building or construction work such as tunneling or deep foundation pile-driving, GS may be newly created in a formerly stress free zone. Existing zones may change. When repair work was done on the substation close to me after it had been struck by lightning I had to reposition all my crystals to accommodate the amped up GS, and when the village Wi-Fi came on stream, more crystals were needed, for instance. It is a good idea to dowse at regular intervals to check, or keep a close eye on the behaviour of your pets. Fortunately, as I have found, crystals can create subtle energetic grids that protect you from the effects of EMFs and GS and which, as long as they are cleansed regularly, support healthy energy fields, instilling beneficial bioenergy patterns and easing the physiological and psychological symptoms and effects.
Harmonizing the flow
That stones can alter the flow of telluric energy has been known since ancient times as the needles of stone inserted in stone circles and temples show. These stones usually have a high silica-rich Quartz content, and silica both discharges, stores and generates energy. Needles of stone either brought earth energies to the surface or diverted their course, or drew cosmic energy down to Earth. These ancient constructions were not randomly placed on the landscape, they were sited where they could control the energies and hold the balance between active – positive – currents, and passive – negative – currents, harmonizing the environment.
When placed on a source of detrimental energy, crystals can harmonize the energies so that they are no longer toxic or a source of disturbance to your own energy field or your environment. The positive, coherent field neutralizing and harmonizing a detrimental, disorganized one. And finally, as all crystal workers know, these powerful beings can bring an energy field into balance, restoring harmony and homeostasis to your body. They carry the resonance of their component minerals and have their own specific frequency with which an energy field can entrain. Wearing crystals or carrying them on your person makes an enormous difference to how your whole body-mind-spirit-earth connection functions.
Using your crystals
Crystals can be used either to mitigate the effects of GS and EMFs, to harmonize them so that your body can cope, or to deflect or block them altogether. Most crystals can be placed over clothing on the appropriate chakra, or over organs or the site of dis-ease and left in place for 15–20 minutes or so. They can also be placed around the body, out in your aura or in your space or the environment to create energetic grids. If you are combating GS, grids can be buried directly into the ground (choose dark, robust stones such as Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz and mark the spot so that the crystals can be cleansed regularly) or stones can be inserted into the ground as stone needles. Crystals can be permanently placed around your bed or a room, or against a source of detrimental EMFs. If you are protecting your home, place the crystals point out to redirect and transmute negative energy and to harmonize the space. If you are drawing in beneficial energies, place the crystals point in. When you have placed the stones, close your eyes and breathe gently and evenly, and allow yourself to relax and feel the energy of the crystal radiating out through your whole being or your environment. Hold the intention that the stones will work for you.
To neutralize the lines
Place appropriate crystals at each end of the line where it enters a space and within that space wherever your dowsing suggests would be beneficial, especially at crossing points or where the lines enter a building and around a bed. In the example plan shown, there is a particularly strong line from a mobile phone mast (cell tower) passing through a bedroom (line A-B) and two other lines running from electricity poles and ground water cross it. Large Smoky Quartz crystals were placed at the crossing points of the house outside to deflect, harmonize and redirect the energies and replace them with beneficial vibes, together with large external crystals on the major line and other minor lines towards the property’s boundary. A large Smoky Elestial Quartz was placed under the bed at the crossing point of the minor lines to transmute the effects. Black Tourmaline blockers were placed around the bed, on the lines and at the four corners of the room as the bed could not be repositioned. As the effect of the crystals kicked in, the placements were re-dowsed and crystals slowly removed until the optimum number was reached.
To neutralize the lines via a map or plan
Map layouts are particularly useful in large areas for neutralizing GS from power sources, aerials and the like or at an area of disturbed earth energy. It can also be used for earth healing, or to support the beneficial energy of a sacred place and draw it towards you. Placing crystals on a map in a geometric pattern transfers the crystal energy to the area covered through entrainment. The layout does not have to be large to be effective and it can be left in place for long periods. Place your plan where it will not be disturbed, then place appropriate crystals at each end of the line or wherever your dowsing suggests would be beneficial. The map and the site will entrain. If possible, also place crystals in the actual site. As you lay out your crystals on a map, consciously feel that you are part of the whole, part of the living entity that is our planet. And feel your cosmic connection too, so that you draw in universal energy and unite the microcosm and macrocosm.
Healing and shielding layouts
Crystals are very effective when laid out in grids, simple patterns such as squares, pentagrams or zig-zags that encompass, purify, generate and amplify energy. They can be used for personal or space healing or environmental clearing, and to correct geopathic stress. You can insert them into the ground if appropriate. Placing the crystals on a photograph or map is also effective. Dowse or ask for the highest possible guidance as to which crystals are suitable for your particular layout as the circumstances change with each layout and the person placing them. Do ensure that your own energies are at their optimum before commencing. Keep your thoughts and emotions calm, bring only positive energy to the task. Remember to prepare your crystals carefully. Putting uncleansed crystals or fearful thoughts into a layout may not only throw the layout off balance but also negate the intended effect. Crystals don’t have to be pretty, and raw crystals often work just as well as polished ones, sometimes better if they are out in nature. The grids will need regular cleaning. If used for environmental clearing outdoors, the crystals can be buried in the ground but be aware that crystals such as Selenite will dissolve, and layered or clustered crystals may fragment. It is better to use tough stones like Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz or Preseli Bluestone which will, to some extent, be self-cleaning – unless of course you want to use the cleansing properties of Halite or Hanksite, which will detoxify negative energy as they dissolve (replace this type of grid if necessary after a few months). After you have laid out the crystal grid, join up the points with a wand or long-point crystal. Remember to mark the spot, however, so that you can cleanse the crystals when necessary – this can be done by pouring water with a proprietary crystal cleanser and recharger (Clear2Light or Zl4 from Petaltone Essences is my cleanser of choice) into the ground over the crystals, or sprinkle a drop or two of the essence into the center.
Counteracting the effects
There are five major ways in which protecting yourself from EMF and GS can be approached with crystals:
Approach 1: Shield
This method works well if you have already healed, or have avoided, the detrimental effects of
EMFs and GS. A shielding crystal surrounds the outer edge of your bioenergy field with a protective coating and does not let the EMF or GS through into your inner space. Similarly, crystals can be placed next to an EMF source to shield it or on a GS line to deflect it.
Shungite, Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz are excellent for this.
Approach 2: Support
Crystals can strengthen your bioenergy field and align it with your physical body, bringing them into harmony and stimulating your immune system to heal and defend itself against detrimental energies. Quantum Quattro, Bloodstone and Que Sera are excellent for this but see Crystal Prescriptions for more supportive crystals.
Approach 3: Transmute
Crystals can transmute toxic energies into beneficial ones, preventing damage in the first place. The crystals act like a voltage converter, changing the frequency and adapting it as appropriate. Shungite, Rose Quartz, Aragonite, Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz are excellent for this.
Approach 4: Ground
Crystals help you to anchor your energies to the Earth, grounding you and strengthening the lower chakras so that you are more resistant to the toxic effects of GS or EMFs. They also ground and transmute the energy of EMF or GS sources. Being earthed means that you, or your space, discharge the transmuted EMFs into the ground. Flint, Boji Stones, Hematite and Smoky Quartz are all excellent grounding stones. Carry them with you or use them, and invaluable Shungite or Black Tourmaline for the environment.
Approach 5: Negative ions
Ions (from the Greek ‘wanderer’) are electronically charged atoms or molecules that exist throughout our environment. Ions can be positive or negative. Negatively charged ions stimulate the body’s defensive network of cells that help filter out dead and toxic material. An important part of the larger immune system, it helps maintain healthy organ function and blood chemistry. Negative ions assist the body to repair cellular damage and a strong negative ion field can help to prevent initial damage. Certain crystals such as Amethyst, Zeolite and Tourmalines create negative ions from moisture in the air and build a shielding field with them. This is especially helpful in areas affected by power lines that create harmful positive corona ion stream.
Place crystals:
- Around your house, a single room, garden or a particular site to create a protective grid or to harmonize or deflect a GS line.
- In a specific area that is showing signs of GS deterioration.
- Next to electrical equipment in your home. Shungite or Black Tourmaline is ideal.
- On the base of a cordless phone or home hub.
- Stick one to a mobile phone, tablet or laptop.
- Around the base of a pylon or mobile phone mast – Black Tourmaline or Tourmalinated Quartz is ideal. Remember to do all masts in the area as the masts themselves can create an energy grid that boosts the detrimental effect.
- Either side of fault lines or in the center of an earthquake area, or over tunnels or underground cables.
- Where there is chaotic energy in a house, such as a small hallway with many doors leading off – place the sphere as close to the center of the hall as possible against a wall so that the energy can flow smoothly around it and harmonize the space.
- In a long, narrow and dark hallway – place a polished crystal at the end of the hallway to reflect light back (Selenite or clear Quartz are excellent for this).
- Halfway down a set of rooms that open out of each other, place a crystal to slow the rapid energy flow. (Smoky Elestial Quartz is ideal here.)
- At the top of the stairs if these lead immediately up from the front door so that energy reaches both floors equally.
- In a dark corner or dead end to avoid a build-up of stagnant energy and draw in light. (Selenite or clear Quartz is excellent for this.)
- If a road sweeps past carrying rushing energy with it, placing a sphere near or outside the front door or corner of the house calms the energy flow (Eye of the Storm is useful, see
- When a house faces a road or stands on a corner so that dagger-like energy strikes it – place the crystal in a front window or next to the front door to divert the energy. (Eye of the Storm is useful as it calms the energy flow.)

